A q u a r i a n S p i r i t u a l i t y
A new spirituality for a New Spiritual Age
Aquarian Spirituality is a modern, primordial and wholistic spirituality - a liberating spirituality that nourishes our mind, body and spirit, and inspires us to be . . . all we can be. Introducing Aquarian Spirituality. Salvation for our times.
A new spirituality for a New Spiritual Age
Aquarian Spirituality is a modern, primordial and wholistic spirituality - a liberating spirituality that nourishes our mind, body and spirit, and inspires us to be . . . all we can be. Introducing Aquarian Spirituality. Salvation for our times.
A modern spirituality. A primordial spirituality. A wholistic spirituality.
This site introduces you to a new spirituality that is free from superstitions and religiosity.
Our modern spirituality honors the human spirit, rather than seeking some imaginary spirits.
We've restored spirituality back to its primal origins : a way to nourish and honor our spirit.
We seek truths that have stood the test of time. We create a healthy & healing spiritual life-path.
There are no cults, gurus or fees. True spirituality is a blessing that is shared freely . . . always.
We're creating an effective spiritual life-path that's simple to understand and easy to practice.
It's sacred spirituality . . . for our times.
We welcome you to Sacred Spirit and invite you to buy the book on
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M.C. Zaniah
spirited traveler
If you chose the blue box ( bottom right ) or you're not happy with your current religion or spirituality, here could be your new spiritual home ! You're not alone. Agnosticism is a fast growing movement and in countries such as Britain, 35% of the population identify as agnostic *
“ Wait. I thought only mystics or religious folk practiced spirituality ? ”
Don't confuse superstitions and religiosity with spirituality. Spirituality is : that which inspires us to be our best i.e. a life - affirming wisdom that guides us, and brings healing and happiness.
( Spirit, inspire, spirituality and aspiration all come from the same Latin root word which means ' to breathe in '. We’ll discuss this more in our books ).
Spirituality is a PRACTICE ( a method / discipline ) that helps us to ingrain good wisdom into our daily lives.
All wisdom is just a theory if we can't absorb it into our day. Spirituality translates theory into practice. Spirituality is not about supernatural beliefs . . . so it's the perfect life-path for all agnostics !
A Modern Spirituality has nothing to do with spooks or spells. That's superstitions. Superstitions have become equated with spirituality ( e.g. spirit channeling ). But our primordial spirituality was never about the supernatural. It was instead, about helping people to become better people . . . so they could come to know true happiness.
Don't confuse religion with spirituality. Religion is just the organisation of a spiritual practice. All religions begin as simple spiritual practices. Over time, they become formalised, and sadly, often manipulated and exploited.
Furthermore, many ancient religions used grand myths, parables, or allegories to help inspire people to understand spiritual wisdom.
But instead, people took these literally and often, the stories became far more important ( and more popular ) than the wisdom itself !
So, an imaginary and inspiring story about some miracle, in time, came to be seen as a real event that required belief ( rather than being a story that simply invited us to contemplate the wisdom embedded in the story ).
Those in charge of religions soon came to understand the power of belief ( and fear ). In the hands of the religious, true spirituality has become greatly subsumed.
Finally, you won't get much life affirming wisdom from atheists. Atheists detest humanity, so they're not out to help you. Atheism is nothing more than a dangerous anti-life doctrine that today, guides many hate-filled tyrants and despots. Marxist Communism emerged from the same school as atheism. Enough said.
Satanists and Occultists on the other hand, might fit into any of the 3 boxes ; A, B and / or C ! Satanism is steeped in religiosity ( of the anti-god variety ), its based on all kinds of absurd myths ( such as an exclusive after-life for followers ), and like Atheism, it holds a life- negating doctrine that appeals to tyrants and despots.
Aquarian Spirituality clears away the superstitions and religiosity that has stopped so many people from coming to know a life-affirming wisdom that can inspire us to be our best selves.
It's a positive pathway to a good life.
And so now we invite you to begin your journey and discover a modern spirituality - free from superstitions and religiosity ( and those angry old atheists ! ).
* "Religious Views and Beliefs Vary Greatly by Country, According to the Latest Financial Times/Harris Poll". Financial Times. December 20, 2006. Archived from the original on July 23, 2013.
“ Wait. I thought only mystics or religious folk practiced spirituality ? ”
Don't confuse superstitions and religiosity with spirituality. Spirituality is : that which inspires us to be our best i.e. a life - affirming wisdom that guides us, and brings healing and happiness.
( Spirit, inspire, spirituality and aspiration all come from the same Latin root word which means ' to breathe in '. We’ll discuss this more in our books ).
Spirituality is a PRACTICE ( a method / discipline ) that helps us to ingrain good wisdom into our daily lives.
All wisdom is just a theory if we can't absorb it into our day. Spirituality translates theory into practice. Spirituality is not about supernatural beliefs . . . so it's the perfect life-path for all agnostics !
A Modern Spirituality has nothing to do with spooks or spells. That's superstitions. Superstitions have become equated with spirituality ( e.g. spirit channeling ). But our primordial spirituality was never about the supernatural. It was instead, about helping people to become better people . . . so they could come to know true happiness.
Don't confuse religion with spirituality. Religion is just the organisation of a spiritual practice. All religions begin as simple spiritual practices. Over time, they become formalised, and sadly, often manipulated and exploited.
Furthermore, many ancient religions used grand myths, parables, or allegories to help inspire people to understand spiritual wisdom.
But instead, people took these literally and often, the stories became far more important ( and more popular ) than the wisdom itself !
So, an imaginary and inspiring story about some miracle, in time, came to be seen as a real event that required belief ( rather than being a story that simply invited us to contemplate the wisdom embedded in the story ).
Those in charge of religions soon came to understand the power of belief ( and fear ). In the hands of the religious, true spirituality has become greatly subsumed.
Finally, you won't get much life affirming wisdom from atheists. Atheists detest humanity, so they're not out to help you. Atheism is nothing more than a dangerous anti-life doctrine that today, guides many hate-filled tyrants and despots. Marxist Communism emerged from the same school as atheism. Enough said.
Satanists and Occultists on the other hand, might fit into any of the 3 boxes ; A, B and / or C ! Satanism is steeped in religiosity ( of the anti-god variety ), its based on all kinds of absurd myths ( such as an exclusive after-life for followers ), and like Atheism, it holds a life- negating doctrine that appeals to tyrants and despots.
Aquarian Spirituality clears away the superstitions and religiosity that has stopped so many people from coming to know a life-affirming wisdom that can inspire us to be our best selves.
It's a positive pathway to a good life.
And so now we invite you to begin your journey and discover a modern spirituality - free from superstitions and religiosity ( and those angry old atheists ! ).
* "Religious Views and Beliefs Vary Greatly by Country, According to the Latest Financial Times/Harris Poll". Financial Times. December 20, 2006. Archived from the original on July 23, 2013.
A new Spiritual Age is here. We believe, the time is right, to reignite a spiritual renaissance on Earth ;
to find a new spirit that will energise us to again be : all that we can be.
What is spirituality ? Spirituality is that which inspires us to be our best.
Spirituality is, and has always been, about creating a better life ; a whole-istic ( holy ) life.
Holiness ( which is connected with the word whole ) suggests living a balanced or more complete life.
A spiritual quest is about finding the balance between our material lives, and nourishing the deeper parts of our being ; our ' soul health '. A spiritual quest lies at the heart of all faiths and religions. Spiritual practices take us out of the ordinary, and give us an experience of the transcendent. These ' transcendent ' experiences become for us, a wellspring ; where we can go to be nourished, healed and guided.
Spirituality nourishes love deep within us, in order that we can become more loving. Love is the essential ingredient that creates harmony and happiness, both within ourselves, and in society.
Spirituality is not religion. Religion is the organisation of a spirituality. Religion is what emerges after a spiritual path becomes popular.
Today, many religions are neglecting ' the spirit ' at the heart of their faiths. Religiosity - rather than spirituality - has overtaken many religions. Religiosity means a religion has become dogmatic and stern, often loosing its ' soul ' in the process. Religiosity also describes the ascendancy of power and politics, over a simple love of people. As a result, the true ( original ) spiritual path is not practiced by the religion's leadership, and thus effective nourishment, healing and good guidance is often missing.
Modern spirituality is also not about superstitions or spooks. We don't cast spells, or believe in the imaginary power of numbers, symbols or magical rituals. We don't engage in divination or astrology ( if astrology is real, how come not one astrologist predicted COVID-19 in 2020 ? ).
It's time to leave the Dark Ages behind, and relegate superstitions to literary fiction. Spirituality in the 21st century will only be taken seriously, when we honour the true spirit ( the sacred spirit ) at the heart of our spirituality.
The new Spiritual Age is here ! Each new Spiritual Age is a time of spiritual renewal. A Spiritual Great Age is a period of about 2,000 years, marked by the Sun's movement through the constellations.
With each New Age, the old and ineffective religions are discarded, and new attempts to regain ' the spirit ' are made.
These changes will not come from the leadership of today's religious organisations, nor from the hallways of academia. A spiritual rebirth will come from the ground up ; from ordinary people, who display extraordinary courage in bringing about change in the face of cultural, institutional and social resistance or indifference. New ways of being spiritual will develop.
New leaders will emerge, who will re-shape the spiritual landscape to better suit the times.
Aquarian Spirituality is a new ' voice in the desert ', proclaiming the certain coming of the new Spiritual Great Age, just as 2,000 years ago, a desert dwelling Nazarene (John the Baptiser), proclaimed a New Piscine Spiritual Age.
Aquarian Spirituality is not a ' new invention '. Rather, we build upon thousands of years of wisdom traditions that have stood the test of time. We share spiritual D.N.A. with all religions that teach love, promote freedom, and create a beautiful world.
Today, as we approach the Aquarian Age in the West, Christianity is in crises. The Roman Church is plagued with occult practices, and that includes the many sexual perversions that are now coming to the surface.
Fundamentalism is leading many American churches to base their religion on a very narrow interpretation of the Bible ( called Biblical literal-ism ). As a result, their religion is stern, judgemental and alienating. In the East, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism and Buddhism, are increasingly being led by fanatical zealots. Religiosity, and inter-religious warfare, rather than a humane spirituality and co-existence, has become their chief concerns.
And yet if we dig a little, we find that most religions share a very common spiritual path. Culture, traditions, history and national identity politics - not spirituality - are driving religions apart. Put a Mufti, a guru, a priest and rabbi together in the same room to share spiritual insights, and they will inevitably walk away as friends, having found much in common.
Spirituality unites. Religiosity divides.
Modern secular society's sole focus is material well being. But even with material gains, most people feel a profound emptiness if they have neglected their spiritual life. Today, for many people, life often seems meaningless. Our souls thirst for the deeper truths of life : such as love, freedom and beauty. Without a spiritual path to lead us to the experience of these truths, people distract themselves with momentary thrills, such as pornography, shopping, gambling, alcohol, drugs . . . and even relationships. But when the thrill wears off, the unease ( the dis-ease ) returns.
Atheism has done little to fill the void in our hearts. Atheism's rationalist ideology is soulless and heartless. Atheism offers little hope or inspiration. It's life-path is cold and indifferent. According to the atheists, life is meaningless and therefore it is not sacred. Thus spiritual living is discarded, and is replaced by the ideology of efficiency, control and consumption, which leads us to Socialism ( tyranny by legislation ) or Communism ( tyranny by force ).
So where is the wisdom today, that can help us to overcome our human condition ?
With Big Religion descending into religiosity, cults shamelessly exploiting superstitions, Atheism advocating meaninglessness, and profit-seeking corporations seducing us with nothing more than cheap thrills, finding solutions to life's suffering, is not an easy task.
Some have turned to psychology ( both " pop " and " clinical " varieties ) and psychiatry in the absence of an effective spiritual or a religious life-path.
Psychology's efficacy is today questioned by many experts. Psychologists are excellent at presenting studies showing a correlation between two variables, but less able to show strong reproducible results in subsequent trials that support the original intervention's result. This means treatments often fail to work consistently when tested by different clinicians. That raises important questions about the quality of psychology and whether psychology is genuinely effective.
What about psychiatry ? Today, rather than lobotomies and other experimental surgeries, most doctors turn to medical interventions. However, research has shown that more than half of those tasked with developing the D.S.M. ( the psychiatrist's " bible " ) were receiving payments from the pharmaceutical industry.
The panels on “ Mood Disorders ” and “ Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders ” were comprised entirely of individuals accepting payments. Industry money can result in “ sponsorship bias ” in clinical trials where researchers are much more likely to interpret data positively for their sponsors. Treatments prescribed by psychiatrists are being described in recent reviews as " ineffective ", and are often prescribed " without consent ".
Can a psychologist or psychiatrist really be trusted ?
Aquarian Spirituality provides meditation-centred methods for general well-being. Our programs are not intended to be therapeutic interventions for clinically diagnosed disorders and illnesses.
If you are currently receiving treatment by a healthcare professional, you should discuss incorporating meditation / affirmation-based well-being programs, such as Aquarian Spirituality.
One path, that has been proven for thousands of years to help guide practitioners towards a life filled with love, freedom and beauty, is a good spiritual path, free from superstitions and religiosity.
Spirituality will not remove all of life's hardships. It may not bring us greater wealth. But it can help us to feel better about life, and to find a sense of purpose. Ultimately, it can even bring lasting joy and contentment. Spirituality is rarely an ecstatic experience. Spirituality doesn't constantly fill us with wild and exuberant happiness. The spiritual path is a quiet daily discipline ; a serene meeting with the divine ( that which transcends and inspires us ). But this gentle path can give the practitioner an appreciation that life is special ( a blessing ! ), and living righteously, is a valid pursuit.
In time, the practitioner can become more and more, a vessel of love and compassion ; a true blessing to others ; a saint on this Earth. Good things come from a good spiritual practice.
It is time again, to find ' the new spirit '. We propose, that salvation can be found in a modern spirituality : a spirituality for the New Age. The new Aquarian Age demands a seismic shift in our understanding of spirituality. We are no longer superstitious and primitive beings. We don't go looking for spooks. But we do desire ( and benefit from ) a spiritual ( a deeper ) connection with other people, which only occurs, when our connectivity is based on love. We know a good spirituality can nurture love. We know this has nothing to do with ' heavenly ' spirits.
In the new Aquarian Spiritual Age, spirituality is not about superstitions from above, but about cultivating love from within.
In the new Aquarian Age, the Holy Spirit ( which we now call the Sacred Spirit ) is not a mythical ' third person ' of some divine trinity, but the very symbol of a connection that exists between us : a ' third force ' ( invisible . . . but ' real ' ) that's created when people act with love towards each other and respect each other's freedom. This all begins by appreciating each other's inner beauty.
That’s a spirit ( and spirituality ) worth believing in !
Aquarian Spirituality is a modern, primordial and wholistic spirituality - a liberating spirituality that nourishes our mind, body and spirit, and inspires us to be . . . all we can be.
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This website is operated by a Religious, Humanitarian and Charitable foundation for the benefit of humankind and the
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This website is operated by a Religious, Humanitarian and Charitable foundation for the benefit of humankind and the
spiritual advancement of all life on earth. This website is a not-for-profit initiative. The founder is Brother MC Zaniah.