1967 2001 2033
" It is the nature of evil to be secret "
The above quote comes from the novel ' Wicked ' by Gregory Maguire. The book is a prequel to the ' The Wonderful Wizard of Oz ', the 1900 novel and 1939 movie that also explored the nature of good and evil.
We can rephrase Maguire's quote as " to be evil, is to be secretive ". Published author and writer of this website - MC Zaniah - explores the secretive nature of occult societies, religions and their sponsors - the global elites.
Zaniah reveals the elites' still largely secretive goals for the world in the coming decades. How ? All it takes is eyes to see. These secrets are revealed to us by the actions of the elites and their instruments. And one key goal is becoming more and more visible to us today : the goal to radically reorder society to preserve and enhance the lifestyles of the rich and famous. What will this mean for you and me ? When will this great reset occur ?
Just as a new Spiritual Great Age began in 2020 AD ( the Aquarian Spiritual Age ), the occult worshiping elites have long ago begun preparing for a new Age : their New Age . . . called the New World Order. This new Order is a time of societal transformation, whereby, the ability of the elites to almost totally control society, thanks to technology, can finally be realised.
1967, 2001 and 2033 are key milestones in the progression towards a One World Order.
Why do the elites seek to impose a totalitarian regime upon the whole world ?
As outlined in great detail in our books, the global elites ( the 1%'ers who own almost everything ) seek to enjoy a long and luxurious life here on this earth, and also, to achieve eternal life in the next world. And who do they turn to in order to achieve this ? Their favorite god . . . Lord XXXXX and his priesthood.
The redactions ( XXXXX ) are all revealed in our books. Purchase any of the books from the Aquarian Spirituality series by MC Zaniah to get the facts. Search by author on amazon.com We cannot publish this information on this website or on social media.
It matters not whether you or I believe in the after-life or XXXXX. The fact is, many of the elites of this world do. And the ONLY way to achieve eternal life, is to do the Lord's will. Which Lord ? Lord XXXXX of course. Who is the Lord's will ? Simply that every person worships ' him '. At least, that what the elite's own priesthood teach the elites. Who is this priesthood ? They've been around for thousands of years - always pulling the strings ( and the wool over the elite's eyes ). Yes, the elite are as needy and insecure as you and me, but with more to loose, so they're even more greedy. This gives the priesthood ultimate power.
The promise of eternal life is so much more compelling for the rich - after all, they have so much more to loose when they die. So, by doing " XXXXX will ", the elites are promised eternal rewards in an exclusive heaven. This heaven is not the heaven that churches talk about. This heaven is a ' rich boys club in the sky ' - a playboy's perpetual paradise. The occult priests even tell the elites exactly where this paradise is located ( and what shape it is ). Who is this priesthood ? To find out, you'll need to buy one of the Aquarian Spirituality books from amazon.com.
How are the elites going to get everyone worshiping Lord Satan ?
Fear is the simple answer. But firstly, there's currently too many of us - common folk - to control - even with fear. De-population is therefore the other ' solution '. To achieve de-population, and take effective control of the world, the elites will implement XXXXXX initially, and if needed, XXXXXX will follow ( unmask this vital information in any of the Aquarian Spirituality books ). After that, the task ( to control society ) will be much easier when there will be fewer of us . . . and more AI and robots to do their bidding.
De-population is scary. You are right to ask . . . " am I going to be ' de-populated ' ? ". In fact, you should be asking this question. It's the central question of our times.
What excuse will the elites use to justify de-population ?
The climate " crisis" of course !! Since 1967, the elites and their instruments ( i.e. the many ' civic ' organisations that supposedly care for humanity ) have been calling for rapid de-population and linking over-population with a " climate emergency ". De-population is even " written in stone " ( by one of the Georgia elites - on a monument in his State ). But of course, natural climate variation isn't enough to convince us that WE are the problem. Climate variation science isn't very convincing. So now, technology is being used to create climate disasters all over the world in order to convince us, that WE are the problem, and there's too many of us. ( feeling guilty already ? ).
How is climate . . . changed ( i.e. how are storms created ) ?
Geoengineering ( NASA calls it " Planet hacking " ! ) has been used for decades to alter weather patterns. It was used in the Vietnam war in the 1960s to prolong the monsoon season in order to drown the enemy for longer. China used geoengineering to sure up the skies over the 2008 Olympics. Modern Geoengineering includes ' upwelling ' : piping cold water from the depth of oceans to cool the climate. You can read about this crazy stuff at : www.livescience.com/geoengineering-the-weather
All of a sudden, there has been a rapid increase in devastating flood events all around the world. Multiple hurricanes in the USA, flooding rains in Poland and Italy. Floods in Japan, Nepal, Thailand, and Australia.
And we blame " mother nature ".
Today the technology is here to help convince us, that the climate emergency is real and its all OUR fault because there are so many of us common folk polluting the elite's world. If we accept that WE are the problem, it will be easier to accept the solution : XXXXXXX. And when that program is implemented, control of the elite's " planet playground " will be so much easier.
The truth is, we DO need to do more to keep our environment pure. We need to pollute less. That's obvious. We also need to move away from the Marxist ( also called Communist, Socialist, Nazi, Democratic or Zionist ) ideology that strategically drives people into over-crowded urban ghettos ( i.e. the brutal grey high-rise towers - which are just " machines for living " ). Ghetto-isation is creating urban pollution, and is responsible for a despairing environment. The earth is vast. Happiness is found in natural open spaces. Mental well being is experienced in homes of simple beauty, built on a human scale. There is only one reason to crowd people into ugly ghettos : control them ( modern day State architects learnt that from the Nazis ). Urbanization will help facilitate the coming de-population program known as XXXXXXX.
Furthermore, a true and whole-istic spirituality that upholds spiritual purity, will also inspire temporal purity. A pure soul creates a pure world around them. But a religion that ignores spiritual purity, will pollute your soul, and in turn, you will pollute your world without a care.
What's religion got to do with a New World Order and climate emergencies ?
There will only be one religion in the New Order Order - the religion of the elites, ensuring the whole world will praise Lord XXXXX for ' saving earth from environmental destruction ' by bringing about XXXXXX. Yes, imaginary Lord XXXXX will be promoted as thee hero that saved earth from climate destruction, and the elites will think they'll get their rewards when they've got the whole world worshiping the demon deity. As a result, the XXXXX priesthood, master manipulators of the elites, will be the most powerful and richest priesthood ever known.
That's been their plan for 3000 years.
So right now, whilst the storms are being generated, existing religions are being infiltrated and steered towards the creation of one global faith honouring Lord XXXXX : the god of THIS world. Ecumenical-ism is the fancy term used to describe the destruction of all traditional religions. If you think your church, synagogue, temple, guru or mosque hasn't already been compromised, you're in for a shock. To find out more, read any of the Aquarian Spirituality books. Our book explains why you can no longer trust big religion, and why a new and modern spirituality is needed that is independent, uncompromising and . . . uncompromis-able ( using embedded coded tests to validate the authenticity and integrity of our core message * ). Why do we need to protect Aquarian spirituality ? To ensure it remains an effective independent voice in the wilderness, offering the hope of salvation in our times.
Three milestone years have marked a progression towards a New World Order. We cover these milestone events in our Aquarian Spirituality book series. Its important to understand what happened in 1967 and 2001, and what is planned for 2033. Lets get some ' introductory ' information shared here until your book order arrives. Unfortunately we cant share with you all the information in our books here on this website. They'd shut it down in minutes. Getting our vital information to you in book form, will help you keep the information safe in your hands.
Remember, knowledge is . . . salvation.
M.C. Zaniah
The above quote comes from the novel ' Wicked ' by Gregory Maguire. The book is a prequel to the ' The Wonderful Wizard of Oz ', the 1900 novel and 1939 movie that also explored the nature of good and evil.
We can rephrase Maguire's quote as " to be evil, is to be secretive ". Published author and writer of this website - MC Zaniah - explores the secretive nature of occult societies, religions and their sponsors - the global elites.
Zaniah reveals the elites' still largely secretive goals for the world in the coming decades. How ? All it takes is eyes to see. These secrets are revealed to us by the actions of the elites and their instruments. And one key goal is becoming more and more visible to us today : the goal to radically reorder society to preserve and enhance the lifestyles of the rich and famous. What will this mean for you and me ? When will this great reset occur ?
Just as a new Spiritual Great Age began in 2020 AD ( the Aquarian Spiritual Age ), the occult worshiping elites have long ago begun preparing for a new Age : their New Age . . . called the New World Order. This new Order is a time of societal transformation, whereby, the ability of the elites to almost totally control society, thanks to technology, can finally be realised.
1967, 2001 and 2033 are key milestones in the progression towards a One World Order.
Why do the elites seek to impose a totalitarian regime upon the whole world ?
As outlined in great detail in our books, the global elites ( the 1%'ers who own almost everything ) seek to enjoy a long and luxurious life here on this earth, and also, to achieve eternal life in the next world. And who do they turn to in order to achieve this ? Their favorite god . . . Lord XXXXX and his priesthood.
The redactions ( XXXXX ) are all revealed in our books. Purchase any of the books from the Aquarian Spirituality series by MC Zaniah to get the facts. Search by author on amazon.com We cannot publish this information on this website or on social media.
It matters not whether you or I believe in the after-life or XXXXX. The fact is, many of the elites of this world do. And the ONLY way to achieve eternal life, is to do the Lord's will. Which Lord ? Lord XXXXX of course. Who is the Lord's will ? Simply that every person worships ' him '. At least, that what the elite's own priesthood teach the elites. Who is this priesthood ? They've been around for thousands of years - always pulling the strings ( and the wool over the elite's eyes ). Yes, the elite are as needy and insecure as you and me, but with more to loose, so they're even more greedy. This gives the priesthood ultimate power.
The promise of eternal life is so much more compelling for the rich - after all, they have so much more to loose when they die. So, by doing " XXXXX will ", the elites are promised eternal rewards in an exclusive heaven. This heaven is not the heaven that churches talk about. This heaven is a ' rich boys club in the sky ' - a playboy's perpetual paradise. The occult priests even tell the elites exactly where this paradise is located ( and what shape it is ). Who is this priesthood ? To find out, you'll need to buy one of the Aquarian Spirituality books from amazon.com.
How are the elites going to get everyone worshiping Lord Satan ?
Fear is the simple answer. But firstly, there's currently too many of us - common folk - to control - even with fear. De-population is therefore the other ' solution '. To achieve de-population, and take effective control of the world, the elites will implement XXXXXX initially, and if needed, XXXXXX will follow ( unmask this vital information in any of the Aquarian Spirituality books ). After that, the task ( to control society ) will be much easier when there will be fewer of us . . . and more AI and robots to do their bidding.
De-population is scary. You are right to ask . . . " am I going to be ' de-populated ' ? ". In fact, you should be asking this question. It's the central question of our times.
What excuse will the elites use to justify de-population ?
The climate " crisis" of course !! Since 1967, the elites and their instruments ( i.e. the many ' civic ' organisations that supposedly care for humanity ) have been calling for rapid de-population and linking over-population with a " climate emergency ". De-population is even " written in stone " ( by one of the Georgia elites - on a monument in his State ). But of course, natural climate variation isn't enough to convince us that WE are the problem. Climate variation science isn't very convincing. So now, technology is being used to create climate disasters all over the world in order to convince us, that WE are the problem, and there's too many of us. ( feeling guilty already ? ).
How is climate . . . changed ( i.e. how are storms created ) ?
Geoengineering ( NASA calls it " Planet hacking " ! ) has been used for decades to alter weather patterns. It was used in the Vietnam war in the 1960s to prolong the monsoon season in order to drown the enemy for longer. China used geoengineering to sure up the skies over the 2008 Olympics. Modern Geoengineering includes ' upwelling ' : piping cold water from the depth of oceans to cool the climate. You can read about this crazy stuff at : www.livescience.com/geoengineering-the-weather
All of a sudden, there has been a rapid increase in devastating flood events all around the world. Multiple hurricanes in the USA, flooding rains in Poland and Italy. Floods in Japan, Nepal, Thailand, and Australia.
And we blame " mother nature ".
Today the technology is here to help convince us, that the climate emergency is real and its all OUR fault because there are so many of us common folk polluting the elite's world. If we accept that WE are the problem, it will be easier to accept the solution : XXXXXXX. And when that program is implemented, control of the elite's " planet playground " will be so much easier.
The truth is, we DO need to do more to keep our environment pure. We need to pollute less. That's obvious. We also need to move away from the Marxist ( also called Communist, Socialist, Nazi, Democratic or Zionist ) ideology that strategically drives people into over-crowded urban ghettos ( i.e. the brutal grey high-rise towers - which are just " machines for living " ). Ghetto-isation is creating urban pollution, and is responsible for a despairing environment. The earth is vast. Happiness is found in natural open spaces. Mental well being is experienced in homes of simple beauty, built on a human scale. There is only one reason to crowd people into ugly ghettos : control them ( modern day State architects learnt that from the Nazis ). Urbanization will help facilitate the coming de-population program known as XXXXXXX.
Furthermore, a true and whole-istic spirituality that upholds spiritual purity, will also inspire temporal purity. A pure soul creates a pure world around them. But a religion that ignores spiritual purity, will pollute your soul, and in turn, you will pollute your world without a care.
What's religion got to do with a New World Order and climate emergencies ?
There will only be one religion in the New Order Order - the religion of the elites, ensuring the whole world will praise Lord XXXXX for ' saving earth from environmental destruction ' by bringing about XXXXXX. Yes, imaginary Lord XXXXX will be promoted as thee hero that saved earth from climate destruction, and the elites will think they'll get their rewards when they've got the whole world worshiping the demon deity. As a result, the XXXXX priesthood, master manipulators of the elites, will be the most powerful and richest priesthood ever known.
That's been their plan for 3000 years.
So right now, whilst the storms are being generated, existing religions are being infiltrated and steered towards the creation of one global faith honouring Lord XXXXX : the god of THIS world. Ecumenical-ism is the fancy term used to describe the destruction of all traditional religions. If you think your church, synagogue, temple, guru or mosque hasn't already been compromised, you're in for a shock. To find out more, read any of the Aquarian Spirituality books. Our book explains why you can no longer trust big religion, and why a new and modern spirituality is needed that is independent, uncompromising and . . . uncompromis-able ( using embedded coded tests to validate the authenticity and integrity of our core message * ). Why do we need to protect Aquarian spirituality ? To ensure it remains an effective independent voice in the wilderness, offering the hope of salvation in our times.
Three milestone years have marked a progression towards a New World Order. We cover these milestone events in our Aquarian Spirituality book series. Its important to understand what happened in 1967 and 2001, and what is planned for 2033. Lets get some ' introductory ' information shared here until your book order arrives. Unfortunately we cant share with you all the information in our books here on this website. They'd shut it down in minutes. Getting our vital information to you in book form, will help you keep the information safe in your hands.
Remember, knowledge is . . . salvation.
M.C. Zaniah
1967 - 2001 - 2033
What happened 1967 ? Was this year ordained some 2520 years ago ?
What events occurred in 1967 that determine our future ?
What about 2001 and 2033 ? What happened in 2001 and will happen in 2033 ?
To get the answers and understand your future, order ' New World Order ' or ' 2033 ' today.
1967 - the dawning of the New Order
Zeena LaVey was born in San Francisco to Anton LaVey and his partner - co-founders of the Church of Satan. On May 23, 1967, three-year-old Zeena had the most highly publicized Satanic baptism in history performed by her father.
Why did Anton wait until 1967 to ' immerse ' his daughter into the Satanic cult ?
Why was 1967 so important in occult circles ? Why is it called ' Year One ' ? Is it predicted in the Bible ?
What else happened in 1967 that marks this year as so important for the occult worshiping elites ?
Understand occult numerology and you will understand key events that are guiding the elites in our lifetime.
We discuss 1967, 2001 and 2033 - three key occult milestone markers in all Aquarian Spirituality books.
What happened 1967 ? Was this year ordained some 2520 years ago ?
What events occurred in 1967 that determine our future ?
What about 2001 and 2033 ? What happened in 2001 and will happen in 2033 ?
To get the answers and understand your future, order ' New World Order ' or ' 2033 ' today.
1967 - the dawning of the New Order
Zeena LaVey was born in San Francisco to Anton LaVey and his partner - co-founders of the Church of Satan. On May 23, 1967, three-year-old Zeena had the most highly publicized Satanic baptism in history performed by her father.
Why did Anton wait until 1967 to ' immerse ' his daughter into the Satanic cult ?
Why was 1967 so important in occult circles ? Why is it called ' Year One ' ? Is it predicted in the Bible ?
What else happened in 1967 that marks this year as so important for the occult worshiping elites ?
Understand occult numerology and you will understand key events that are guiding the elites in our lifetime.
We discuss 1967, 2001 and 2033 - three key occult milestone markers in all Aquarian Spirituality books.
2001 - the ritually correct year for a trans-dimensional event.
What is the real reason for the ' 9-11event ' in New York in 2001 ?
The 9-11 event was NOT caused by a random group of Middle Eastern amateur fanatics.
Instead, we reveal the ' hidden actors ' and their motive for 9-11.
After the event, several Moslem were rounded up and taken to Guantanamo Bay prison, and then charged. They were denied a proper jury trial to ensure no questions were asked. Admissions were ' obtained ' under torture / duress - and thus are not legally admissible. But the authorities got what they wanted . . . a perpetrator with a confession. Case closed.
But did a few Middle Eastern amateur fanatics really engineer the downfall of 3 giant towers in New York ?
Many engineers say . . . " no way ".
It takes more than a plane flying into a tower, and a fire, to guarantee a tower collapse.
It takes an expert professional demolition team to bring down 3 towers . . . on cue.
Three planes set out to crash into three towers. But only 2 planes completed the mission.
Yet 3 towers fell ( as planned ). How is this possible ?
It takes an expert professional demolition team to bring down 3 towers . . . on cue.
More importantly, is the question : WHY ? Why specifically on September 11, 2001 ?
We uncover the link between a religion and 9-11. But its not the religion you're thinking.
To understand the underlying reason for 9-11, order your copy of " New World Order " or " 2033 ".
We explain the link between the 2001 event and other key dates along a progression to a One World Order.
In the mean time, check out this video and link as well : www.journalof911studies.com/
Videos below compare a tower collapsed by explosives and one that burned for hours ( but no detonation ) and remained standing
What is the real reason for the ' 9-11event ' in New York in 2001 ?
The 9-11 event was NOT caused by a random group of Middle Eastern amateur fanatics.
Instead, we reveal the ' hidden actors ' and their motive for 9-11.
After the event, several Moslem were rounded up and taken to Guantanamo Bay prison, and then charged. They were denied a proper jury trial to ensure no questions were asked. Admissions were ' obtained ' under torture / duress - and thus are not legally admissible. But the authorities got what they wanted . . . a perpetrator with a confession. Case closed.
But did a few Middle Eastern amateur fanatics really engineer the downfall of 3 giant towers in New York ?
Many engineers say . . . " no way ".
It takes more than a plane flying into a tower, and a fire, to guarantee a tower collapse.
It takes an expert professional demolition team to bring down 3 towers . . . on cue.
Three planes set out to crash into three towers. But only 2 planes completed the mission.
Yet 3 towers fell ( as planned ). How is this possible ?
It takes an expert professional demolition team to bring down 3 towers . . . on cue.
More importantly, is the question : WHY ? Why specifically on September 11, 2001 ?
We uncover the link between a religion and 9-11. But its not the religion you're thinking.
To understand the underlying reason for 9-11, order your copy of " New World Order " or " 2033 ".
We explain the link between the 2001 event and other key dates along a progression to a One World Order.
In the mean time, check out this video and link as well : www.journalof911studies.com/
Videos below compare a tower collapsed by explosives and one that burned for hours ( but no detonation ) and remained standing
2033 - Timelines for a new world order point to 2033
2033 is the three thousandth year anniversary of the dedication of occult king Solomon's temple ( dedicated in 967 BC ).
With the 1967 and 2001 events completed, what will happen in 2033 ?
What makes 2033 ' auspicious ' for some ? What ' blesses ' their goals ?
What are their goals and how will they impact you and every person living today ?
To understand global events that have been in the making for 3000 years . . . read MC Zaniah's books - available at amazon.com
Below : The occult worshiping elites believe on Solstice day 2033, the Silver Gate ( the Portal of the East ), ' in ' the constellation of Orion, will be opened ( as the sun ' passes ' Orion ). The event will be " blessed " by Saturn. Who or what is Saturn in occult beliefs ? What emerges from the eastern portal ? The year 2033 is also marked by Four Blood Moons. What is the significance of this Luna tetrad event ? To find out more you need to get the book ! Nobody else is talking about this . . . yet.
( Image : Stellarium )
2033 is the three thousandth year anniversary of the dedication of occult king Solomon's temple ( dedicated in 967 BC ).
With the 1967 and 2001 events completed, what will happen in 2033 ?
What makes 2033 ' auspicious ' for some ? What ' blesses ' their goals ?
What are their goals and how will they impact you and every person living today ?
To understand global events that have been in the making for 3000 years . . . read MC Zaniah's books - available at amazon.com
Below : The occult worshiping elites believe on Solstice day 2033, the Silver Gate ( the Portal of the East ), ' in ' the constellation of Orion, will be opened ( as the sun ' passes ' Orion ). The event will be " blessed " by Saturn. Who or what is Saturn in occult beliefs ? What emerges from the eastern portal ? The year 2033 is also marked by Four Blood Moons. What is the significance of this Luna tetrad event ? To find out more you need to get the book ! Nobody else is talking about this . . . yet.
( Image : Stellarium )
11th Eucharistic Conference announced for . . . 2033
Why is 33 the most important number to understand ?
33 AD and 2033 are two key years you need to understand. Why is 33 important ? To find out . . . get the book !
And whats the connection with 1967 and 2001 ? Ask Hollywood ( Click onto images below to enlarge )
33 AD and 2033 are two key years you need to understand. Why is 33 important ? To find out . . . get the book !
And whats the connection with 1967 and 2001 ? Ask Hollywood ( Click onto images below to enlarge )
Russia & China reject global elite's 2033 One World Order
Will the King of the North ( Russia's V.V. Putin ) and the King of the South ( China's Chairman Eleven / XI ) create an effective barrier against the elite's coming New World Order ?
Putin's line of defense
By taking all of Ukraine by 2026 ( reducing Ukraine to a vassal state as per the Belorussian ' state ' ) and successfully reclaiming the Baltic states ( using the same justification : to protect ethnic Russian minorities ), Russia will have rebuilt their key defensive line ( stretching from the Baltic Sea to the Carpathian mountains ). This provides Russia with a shorter land bridge to protect against the West ( essentially the length of Poland along its eastern border and Finland ) and critically, it provides Russia with more space between it and the West.
In a conventional war, space buys time for defenders. That's a price Putin is willing to pay to attempt to distance himself from the West and the elite's New World Order ambitions.
XI's line of defense
Taiwan lies in the South China Sea and is central to providing China with a key forward defensive line against US navy encirclement. China continues to claim Taiwan and does not recognize its independence. XI's objective is the same as Russia's : get space - buy time. Solid reasoning in a conventional war theater.
The weakness in Russia's and China's strength
Whilst strengthening physical defensive lines may seem like a worthwhile objective to be in place by 2033, neither defensive lines can defend Russia and China from a biological weapon like the coming Virus 33. As COVID-19 demonstrated in 2020, viruses spread despite physical barriers. Viruses are the perfect offensive weapon as long as there is a vaccine to protect the attacking side ( i.e. the elites and their people ).
A global ( globacidal ) virus ( Virus 33 ) will provide the elites with total control over rouge governments like Putin's Russia and XI's China. This is the evil genius of biological weaponry : it bypasses all traditional military defenses. Your only option is to submit to the opponent ( the elites ) who have the vaccine. A global war can be won without an army.
For more on this ' prophecy ', read ' 2033 ' or ' New World Order ' by MC Zaniah - available now on Amazon.com
Is China intuitively defensive in its military goals . . . or offensive ?
Historically, China was defensive in character. After all, the Chinese didn't attack the Mongols, they built a ( largely ineffective ) wall to keep them out. Their maritime history was essentially trade oriented, rather than concerned with conquests. For 300 years, China has been the object of colonial policies as the Western elites prepare for China's ultimate role in the coming New World Order ( read New World Order by MC Zaniah for more on this topic ).
But is all that defensiveness . . . changing . Is China, influenced long ago by the Mongols aggressive nature ( which also influenced Imperial Russia's leadership ), becoming expansionary rather than defensive in nature ? Can China afford to be hemmed in in the South China Sea, and have its critical trade routes controlled by hostile powers ? Can China feed its massive ( but declining ) population in light of escalating climate change ( resulting in a serious expansion of northern desert regions ) ?
In response to these challenges, is China eyeing off the Australian continent as a potential food bowl / resources bowl for its people ? China is ' allowing ' significant numbers of its citizens to populate Australia. At present 1.4 million Australians have Chinese ancestry. Within a decade, 10% of the population will be Chinese. With continuing food insecurity and trade route insecurity, China may, after conquering Taiwan successfully ( nobody really believes the US will risk nuclear war for this island ) turn to the geographically-isolated Australian continent next ? Again, the US may calculate that appeasement is preferable to all out war.
Will China adopt the Russian ' method ' to justify its invasion : " the Chinese people in Australia are being persecuted ( cue fake news ), so the C.C.P. is here to help ". Is this the real reason the Australian military is constantly participating in South China Sea strategic maneuvers ( to prevent China's future possession ), and why China is constantly seeking to control the many Cantonese / Manchurian people living in Australia ?
All this posturing between hostile nations raises the risk of all out nuclear war. In this war . . . nobody wins. The elites ( with the most to loose ) have EVERY REASON to bring about a New World Order soon, to ensure that nation states are eliminated ( removing the risk of wars ) and addressing climate change effects by reducing down global population. All this can be achieved without an army. Instead, a handful of vials ( which we call Virus 33 ) will trigger the most radical reordering of society since the floods of Noah's time ! To understand the surprising role of China in the New World Order, and why China is now resisting this role, read ' 2033 ' by MC Zaniah ( available at your Amazon online store - simply search by author ).
On the 25th of October, 2024, a Chinese-Australian artist ( enterer ) completed a large sculpture called the Ouroboros ( shown below ). It was installed in the very heart of the Australian nation - the Capitol : Canberra. The Ouroboros is a dragon / serpent / snake. The snake emerges from a cube-shaped dark bottomless pit.
Is this Chinese dragon sculpture ( presented in a very modern form ) symbolically ' stamping ' the southern continent as a future possession of President Xi's Greater China ? That is certainly one possible interpretation. October 25th marks the rise of the Communists ( the day that Lenin seized power in 1917 ).
Or, is this artwork linked to the deep occult beliefs of the global elites, and much like the Georgia Guidestones, the many Black Cube sculptures around the world, and the 9-11 memorial in New York, does it hint at the elite's secret worldview ? We prefer this explanation for the installation of the Ouroboros in Canberra in 2024.
We discuss the central importance of Snake worship and Serpent / Dragon Cults - both in history and in our modern world, in our book ' One World Order ' by MC Zaniah ( available now at Amazon online stores and sold ' at cost ' ). Furthermore, we explain why the illuminated Ouroboros sculpture has been placed above a cube-shaped dark bottomless pit. In occult beliefs, a serpent emerges from the bottomless pit to rule the world ( see Revelation 9:11 for the identity of this serpent ). A similar bottomless pit is found at the World Trade Center site in New York ( the site of the 9:11 event - which we show, was the location of a unique occult ritual in 2001 - i.e it was not the site of a terrorist act ). We explain the links between Satanism and the coming New World Order. The information is controversial and yet critical for anyone seeking to understand the coming New Age of the Serpent worshipers.
p.s. someone was very very serious about their symbolism. The Ouroboros cost Australian taxpayers . . . $14 million.
1926 - 1933 - 1949
The occult celebrate the mysterious number 3. Reverence for this number comes from the first occult trinity - the Mesopotamian Trinity : Gods Nimrod, Semiramis &Tammuz : the first elites to proclaim themselves to be gods.
To learn more about this key demonic trinity, and its continued influence on occult beliefs, read ' Aquarian Spirituality ' by MC Zaniah.
In 1926, German elites ' broke ranks ' with their global peers and commenced their own ' program of 3 ' to launch a 1000 year Reich - 1000 year Germanic Kingdom of Satan. Justifying their beliefs in the occult-guided timing for the establishment of a New World Order, was a key year : 926 AD - the year of the re-emergence and revival of an ancient cult - the XXXXX - in York England ( the city, which in 306 AD, had hosted the launch of the Holy Roman Empire with the crowning of Constantine - founder of the Holy Roman Church ).
In 1926, on the 1000th year anniversary of the York conference, the Nazis chose to launch their campaign in Bamberg Bavaria - a city that was once the center of the Holy Roman Empire ( the symbolism runs deep ).
A four blood moon tetrad occurred after the 1926 meeting, marking the event as especially auspicious ( a form of occult blessing ).
1933 was also an auspicious year ( the number 33 is 3 x 11 - is an invocation to Lord Satan { Satan is the El / god who is the even ( the equal ) of the " Good God " / the Father } via the occult's Holy Trinity : ie Gods Nimrod, Semiramis, and Tammuz, whilst the year 33 AD marked the occult's ' victory ' over Christ ). The Nazis chose 1933 as the right year for an increase in power, and prepared for a global war to rule the world. That war commenced in 1939 with a 10 year goal to complete the mission by 1949 - an auspicious year marked by a four moon tetrad.
The German's co-conspirators - the Italian Fascists - took effective control of the Vatican in 1929 by creating the Vatican State, and prepared to take gradual control of the Roman religion ' from within '.
In 1945, the German's plans were derailed with the allies victory ( led by the Saxon king of England - the ancient arch enemy of the Frankish / German / Prussians ). At no time, did the global elites join with the Nazis to validate their 1000 year plan, regarding Hitler as an illegitimate New World Order King. For the global elites, the time was not yet right to implement the true One World Order. That time will be in the 21st century. The Vatican takeover too, was reset to complete the takeover for 2033, not 1949.
Thus in 1949, the Nazis plans for a 1000 year satanic kingdom did not eventuate. The Four Moon Tetrad came and went, and Lord Satan did not come to honour ' his ' people ( the Aryans ).
To uncover who the XXXXX cult was that was revived in York in 926 AD, and how this cult continues to rule over the elites of this world, read any of the Aquarian Spirituality book series, now available from amazon.com
The occult celebrate the mysterious number 3. Reverence for this number comes from the first occult trinity - the Mesopotamian Trinity : Gods Nimrod, Semiramis &Tammuz : the first elites to proclaim themselves to be gods.
To learn more about this key demonic trinity, and its continued influence on occult beliefs, read ' Aquarian Spirituality ' by MC Zaniah.
In 1926, German elites ' broke ranks ' with their global peers and commenced their own ' program of 3 ' to launch a 1000 year Reich - 1000 year Germanic Kingdom of Satan. Justifying their beliefs in the occult-guided timing for the establishment of a New World Order, was a key year : 926 AD - the year of the re-emergence and revival of an ancient cult - the XXXXX - in York England ( the city, which in 306 AD, had hosted the launch of the Holy Roman Empire with the crowning of Constantine - founder of the Holy Roman Church ).
In 1926, on the 1000th year anniversary of the York conference, the Nazis chose to launch their campaign in Bamberg Bavaria - a city that was once the center of the Holy Roman Empire ( the symbolism runs deep ).
A four blood moon tetrad occurred after the 1926 meeting, marking the event as especially auspicious ( a form of occult blessing ).
1933 was also an auspicious year ( the number 33 is 3 x 11 - is an invocation to Lord Satan { Satan is the El / god who is the even ( the equal ) of the " Good God " / the Father } via the occult's Holy Trinity : ie Gods Nimrod, Semiramis, and Tammuz, whilst the year 33 AD marked the occult's ' victory ' over Christ ). The Nazis chose 1933 as the right year for an increase in power, and prepared for a global war to rule the world. That war commenced in 1939 with a 10 year goal to complete the mission by 1949 - an auspicious year marked by a four moon tetrad.
The German's co-conspirators - the Italian Fascists - took effective control of the Vatican in 1929 by creating the Vatican State, and prepared to take gradual control of the Roman religion ' from within '.
In 1945, the German's plans were derailed with the allies victory ( led by the Saxon king of England - the ancient arch enemy of the Frankish / German / Prussians ). At no time, did the global elites join with the Nazis to validate their 1000 year plan, regarding Hitler as an illegitimate New World Order King. For the global elites, the time was not yet right to implement the true One World Order. That time will be in the 21st century. The Vatican takeover too, was reset to complete the takeover for 2033, not 1949.
Thus in 1949, the Nazis plans for a 1000 year satanic kingdom did not eventuate. The Four Moon Tetrad came and went, and Lord Satan did not come to honour ' his ' people ( the Aryans ).
To uncover who the XXXXX cult was that was revived in York in 926 AD, and how this cult continues to rule over the elites of this world, read any of the Aquarian Spirituality book series, now available from amazon.com
WHY did the Nazis implement the ' Final Solution ' program from 1933 to 1945 ? Why did they FEAR Jews ?
Why is Israel's president Netanyahu so keen to clear out Moslems from Greater Israel AND Temple Mount ?
( Update : on 26th of January 2025 President Trump echoed our observations by calling for a " clean out of Gaza " )
How is the Nazi program in WW2 connected with event's in Israel today ?
To understand events in the Middle East AND the real reason behind the Nazi holocaust in World War 2, read :
Why is Israel's president Netanyahu so keen to clear out Moslems from Greater Israel AND Temple Mount ?
( Update : on 26th of January 2025 President Trump echoed our observations by calling for a " clean out of Gaza " )
How is the Nazi program in WW2 connected with event's in Israel today ?
To understand events in the Middle East AND the real reason behind the Nazi holocaust in World War 2, read :
Israel's president Netanyahu meets Menachem Mendel Schneerson (1990) accepting Rebbe's orders to do more to prepare for the Ju'ish Messiah
Below : Carrying out the Rebbe's instructions in Gaza, Lebanon and when the time is ordained . . . the Dome is cleared from Temple Mount.
Why is the West spooning Islam ?
Do you sometimes wonder why are so many institutions ( eg the E.U. ), organisations ( eg UNHCR ) and the global media, are so pro Moslem and so anti Christian. Even in very Catholic countries, such as Poland, the leftist government is trying to facilitate migration of Moslems ( whilst trying to ban the Catholic crucifix from public spaces ). They're surely not doing this for solid economic reasons ( i.e. cheap labour ). Neither is the migration program a simple " act of compassion ". So, why are Moslems being encouraged to settle in the West by so many Western governments ?
The West ( i.e. Europe ) has traditionally battled hard to keep the Moslem hordes out of Europe ( think Battle of Vienna led by the King of Poland on 9-11 1683, or the Spanish purge of the Moors from 1492, and the Crusades from 1096 ).
However, one nation in Europe, has always been very different : Germany. Europe's founding monarch Charlemagne ( a German ) favored Moslems in Andalusia over the Spanish crown ( which was deeply Catholic ). Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II ( also a German ) had more time for Sultans and Muftis than his own Pope. Hitler formed an alliance with Palestinians against the Zionists and British in the Levant. Catholic Hungary has battled Germany for over 1000 years - yet nominally, they're both Christian nations. But Hungary knows its history and even today, Hungary would rather stand with Russia than bow to Germany ( and it's EU ).
Why is Germany so different ?
Does the origins of this nation explain their natural embrace of Moslems ? The answer is . . . yes.
But why has post WW2 Europe, the USA, and Britain and her Realms, all opened the floodgates to Moslems ? Surely they can see how incompatible this cult is with Western culture, law, traditions, values and religions ? They just DON'T gel. Ever.
To understand why Marxists and Germans love Moslems and what this means for your future . . . get the book ( we recommend our book ' Satan Rules ' by MC Zaniah - at Amazon.com ). Otherwise, you'll just be fed media trash like this : ( click link ) https://www.huffpost.com/entry/merkel-asylum-seekers-germany-islam_b_8205248 and never understand the reason that bonds Germans to Islam.
Below : Carrying out the Rebbe's instructions in Gaza, Lebanon and when the time is ordained . . . the Dome is cleared from Temple Mount.
Why is the West spooning Islam ?
Do you sometimes wonder why are so many institutions ( eg the E.U. ), organisations ( eg UNHCR ) and the global media, are so pro Moslem and so anti Christian. Even in very Catholic countries, such as Poland, the leftist government is trying to facilitate migration of Moslems ( whilst trying to ban the Catholic crucifix from public spaces ). They're surely not doing this for solid economic reasons ( i.e. cheap labour ). Neither is the migration program a simple " act of compassion ". So, why are Moslems being encouraged to settle in the West by so many Western governments ?
The West ( i.e. Europe ) has traditionally battled hard to keep the Moslem hordes out of Europe ( think Battle of Vienna led by the King of Poland on 9-11 1683, or the Spanish purge of the Moors from 1492, and the Crusades from 1096 ).
However, one nation in Europe, has always been very different : Germany. Europe's founding monarch Charlemagne ( a German ) favored Moslems in Andalusia over the Spanish crown ( which was deeply Catholic ). Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II ( also a German ) had more time for Sultans and Muftis than his own Pope. Hitler formed an alliance with Palestinians against the Zionists and British in the Levant. Catholic Hungary has battled Germany for over 1000 years - yet nominally, they're both Christian nations. But Hungary knows its history and even today, Hungary would rather stand with Russia than bow to Germany ( and it's EU ).
Why is Germany so different ?
Does the origins of this nation explain their natural embrace of Moslems ? The answer is . . . yes.
But why has post WW2 Europe, the USA, and Britain and her Realms, all opened the floodgates to Moslems ? Surely they can see how incompatible this cult is with Western culture, law, traditions, values and religions ? They just DON'T gel. Ever.
To understand why Marxists and Germans love Moslems and what this means for your future . . . get the book ( we recommend our book ' Satan Rules ' by MC Zaniah - at Amazon.com ). Otherwise, you'll just be fed media trash like this : ( click link ) https://www.huffpost.com/entry/merkel-asylum-seekers-germany-islam_b_8205248 and never understand the reason that bonds Germans to Islam.
New Age Timelines - hidden codes ?
Two ancient prophets of Israel - Daniel and Ezekiel - are responsible for providing us with two coded timelines ( which some call prophecies ). Both timelines look forward to a New Age : a time for spiritual reform and renewal. Daniel points to the new Piscine Great Age in his 69 prophetic weeks time line, whilst Ezekiel marks the next Great Age : the Aquarian Age. Both New Ages are ritually correct times for restoring Israel’s purity, in preparation for a Messiah.
The Prophet Daniel created two timelines to alert Israel to a new Spiritual Great Age in 33 AD : the new Piscine Age.
The first timeline is called the Sabbatical Year timeline. 33 AD marked the 70th Sabbatical Year Cycle since 458 BC * ( i.e. 70 cycles of Sabbaths : 70 x 7 years = 490 years ). 458 BC + 490 years = 33 AD.
* 458 BC was a Sabbatical Year - i.e. Year 1 & the year priest Ezra returned to Jerusalem - marking Israel's rebirth after Babylon’s conquest.
The second timeline instructed Israel to rebuild Jerusalem by 69 prophetic weeks from the year 445 BC. This translates to 483 prophetic years* or 477 modern years since the Decree of 445 BC. The time line in the Book of Daniel 9 points exactly to Passover Week of 33 AD. A Messiah was publicly announced during Passover Week of 33 AD. Today many know the day as the first Palm Sunday, and the Messiah was the Nazarene Christ. The Nazarene rode into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday 33 AD and allowed his followers to proclaim him their " King " for the first time. * Daniel’s 69 week timeline used a 360-day year called a Prophetic year.
In 33 AD, everything was in place for the Nazarenes to transform and renew the Israelites' religion for the next Great Age : The Age of Pisces. Christ's newly minted apostles became " the fishers of men " and the two fish symbol of Pisces became the first symbol of the new Piscine church ( aka Christian Church ). During Passover Week of 33 AD, the Piscine Age was ritually welcomed at the event known today as the Last Supper.
Christ admonished the Pharisees for not recognising the " Palm Sunday " date. The Pharisees knew the Book of Daniel very well. Yet they chose to deny that a Nazarene ( an exiled royal from Galilee ) could declare himself to be thee Messiah. The Pharisees even tried to order the Apostles to quit declaring Yeshua's king-ship.
The Jerusalem priesthood was well aware of Daniel's prophecy. Under their guidance, the temple was carefully remodelled ( funded by King Herod ) in preparation for 33 AD and the Messiah’s expected arrival. Building works commenced in 20 BC, and it took approximately 50 years to complete most of the reconstruction. In 33 AD, temple sacrifices were being practiced, ensuring that Israel was in a state of ritual purity in anticipation of a Messiah.
33 AD also marked the 1,000th year anniversary of the dedication of Israel's first temple in 967 BC. The first temple in Tanis Egypt became ritually impure because of Solomon's occult practices. Archeology confirms this building was in Egypt. To overcome the ritual impurities, a more modest replacement temple was built in Jerusalem after Solomon's successors moved there. No trace of this temple in Jerusalem can be found at present.
But the 1000th year anniversary was NOT the reason Daniel’s 483 prophetic year timeline culminated in 33 AD. Instead, we believe the heavens were the guide for his timelines. The Bible reminded Daniel :
" the Heavens declare the glory of G-d . . . ( and ) . . . they reveal knowledge " ( Psalm 19 1-3 ).
Today, scientists state that the astronomical Age of Pisces commenced in 67 BC. However, Daniel set 33 AD as the end point of his timeline. This most likely reflected ancient Babylonian calculations, which predicted 33 AD as the year the Sun passed into the Pisces zodiac - marking a New Age. 67 BC may have been seen as marking the ' dawning period ' ( i.e. when the sun began its transition across the two constellation's boundary - i.e. from Aries to Pisces ).
How was Daniel able to provide Israel with such advanced astronomical calculations ? Daniel had been a ' guest ' ( captive ) of King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon. Daniel's time in Babylon enabled him to gain advanced astronomical knowledge - including the concept of a Great Age, which later inspired Daniel to link the timing of the next Great Age, with a new spiritual renewal for Israel. Hence his 69 week prophetic timeline correlated with the start of a NEW PISCINE AGE.
Babylon was of course, a key center of astronomical studies. The Babylonian Zodiac was not just a tool for astrology, but its central role was . . . time keeping.
A new Great Age ( when the Sun moved into a new Zodiac for the next two thousand years ), was an important event. Thus, Daniel's 69 week timeline marks the end of the Age of Aries. No other cosmic correlation can be found that explains why 69 weeks ends in 33AD.
Prophet Ezekiel lived during Israel's Babylonian conquest period. Ezekiel concerns himself with another future ‘ Messianic Age ’ : the Aquarian Age.
According to his time-lines, the nation of Israel must be restored by 1948 AD ( 2520 years from the Edict of Cyrus ), and a temple prepared by 1967 AD ( 2520 years from the Edict of Artazerxes ), in time for a new Holy Messianic Age ; the Aquarian Age - the 7th Millennium since creation according to the Hebrew Bible. Christians would later call this Age - the Millennium Kingdom of God, where they look forward to the return of Christ.
Aquarian Spirituality asserts that each new Spiritual Great Age welcomes a new saviour ( who we call the Arch Angel - i.e. the messenger of Heavenly Wisdom ).
Most Bible commentators today, do not discuss Great Age timelines. Few commentators can explain WHY 33 AD for Daniel, and 1948 AD and 1967 AD for Ezekiel, were important dates, without admitting, that these years correlate with the commencement of a new spiritual Great Age. Most Christian apologists will attempt to ignore this correlation. Some will try to cover up the link, whilst others ( i.e. the Jesuits ) even try to extend official constellation boundaries, in an attempt to avoid acknowledging that a NEW AGE is here.
Aquarian Spirituality, inspired by Daniel and Ezekiels' wisdom, declares that each new Great Age is a time for spiritual renewal. And after two thousand years of errors, corruptions and outright fabrications, our primal spirituality is indeed, in need of serious renewal.
Interestingly, 1948 & 1967 are not just New Age markers but also years marked by Four Moon Tetrads.
Of course, the Ju’es claim that no Messiah emerged in 33 AD and in 70 AD, the Ju’ish temple was destroyed by Romans, so Israel could not welcome a messiah without their temple during the Piscine Age. A temple is necessary for sacrifices to be performed in, so that sins can be forgiven and the nation is ritually purified and ready to accept their messiah. In contrast, Christians state that the Messiah ( Yeshua ) arrived in Jerusalem exactly as per Daniel’s New Age / 69th Week timeline. Christ’s crucifixion was later interpreted by Christians as the ultimate sacrifice for all sins, and therefore, the temple was no longer needed.
The Jesuits, aware of the significance of a new Spiritual Great Age, have gone to great lengths to artificially extend the Piscine Age by officially extending the constellation’s boundaries through the International Astronomical Union ( which they were founding members of ), in an attempt to “ stretch the Age ” and postpone any talk of a new Spiritual Age ( which welcomes a “ new messiah ” ).
The Elites understand the threat to their plans that any ( supernatural ) Ju’ish messiah posses, and so every effort was made to ensure that no temple was built on the Mount in 1948. Moslems were co-opted to retain control of the site, and laws passed by the UN ( an instrument of the Elites ) ensured that no temple can arise. No temple. No messiah. That now leaves the site free for the elites to construct their future monument.
Daniel's 69 weeks and Ezekiel's Desolation and Servitude timelines are not some random, magical or mysterious prophecy codes, but clear markers for the start of two future Great Ages : the Piscine Age and the Aquarian Age. For more on this topic, you should read ' Aquarian Spirituality ' by MC Zaniah ( available at cost on Amazon.com - search by author ) Below : Ezekiel's timelines and a zodiac mosaic in a synagogue in Sepphoris Galilee, confirming its centrality in Judaism's belief system. Third image : Daniel's timeline points forward to the new Piscine Age
Two ancient prophets of Israel - Daniel and Ezekiel - are responsible for providing us with two coded timelines ( which some call prophecies ). Both timelines look forward to a New Age : a time for spiritual reform and renewal. Daniel points to the new Piscine Great Age in his 69 prophetic weeks time line, whilst Ezekiel marks the next Great Age : the Aquarian Age. Both New Ages are ritually correct times for restoring Israel’s purity, in preparation for a Messiah.
The Prophet Daniel created two timelines to alert Israel to a new Spiritual Great Age in 33 AD : the new Piscine Age.
The first timeline is called the Sabbatical Year timeline. 33 AD marked the 70th Sabbatical Year Cycle since 458 BC * ( i.e. 70 cycles of Sabbaths : 70 x 7 years = 490 years ). 458 BC + 490 years = 33 AD.
* 458 BC was a Sabbatical Year - i.e. Year 1 & the year priest Ezra returned to Jerusalem - marking Israel's rebirth after Babylon’s conquest.
The second timeline instructed Israel to rebuild Jerusalem by 69 prophetic weeks from the year 445 BC. This translates to 483 prophetic years* or 477 modern years since the Decree of 445 BC. The time line in the Book of Daniel 9 points exactly to Passover Week of 33 AD. A Messiah was publicly announced during Passover Week of 33 AD. Today many know the day as the first Palm Sunday, and the Messiah was the Nazarene Christ. The Nazarene rode into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday 33 AD and allowed his followers to proclaim him their " King " for the first time. * Daniel’s 69 week timeline used a 360-day year called a Prophetic year.
In 33 AD, everything was in place for the Nazarenes to transform and renew the Israelites' religion for the next Great Age : The Age of Pisces. Christ's newly minted apostles became " the fishers of men " and the two fish symbol of Pisces became the first symbol of the new Piscine church ( aka Christian Church ). During Passover Week of 33 AD, the Piscine Age was ritually welcomed at the event known today as the Last Supper.
Christ admonished the Pharisees for not recognising the " Palm Sunday " date. The Pharisees knew the Book of Daniel very well. Yet they chose to deny that a Nazarene ( an exiled royal from Galilee ) could declare himself to be thee Messiah. The Pharisees even tried to order the Apostles to quit declaring Yeshua's king-ship.
The Jerusalem priesthood was well aware of Daniel's prophecy. Under their guidance, the temple was carefully remodelled ( funded by King Herod ) in preparation for 33 AD and the Messiah’s expected arrival. Building works commenced in 20 BC, and it took approximately 50 years to complete most of the reconstruction. In 33 AD, temple sacrifices were being practiced, ensuring that Israel was in a state of ritual purity in anticipation of a Messiah.
33 AD also marked the 1,000th year anniversary of the dedication of Israel's first temple in 967 BC. The first temple in Tanis Egypt became ritually impure because of Solomon's occult practices. Archeology confirms this building was in Egypt. To overcome the ritual impurities, a more modest replacement temple was built in Jerusalem after Solomon's successors moved there. No trace of this temple in Jerusalem can be found at present.
But the 1000th year anniversary was NOT the reason Daniel’s 483 prophetic year timeline culminated in 33 AD. Instead, we believe the heavens were the guide for his timelines. The Bible reminded Daniel :
" the Heavens declare the glory of G-d . . . ( and ) . . . they reveal knowledge " ( Psalm 19 1-3 ).
Today, scientists state that the astronomical Age of Pisces commenced in 67 BC. However, Daniel set 33 AD as the end point of his timeline. This most likely reflected ancient Babylonian calculations, which predicted 33 AD as the year the Sun passed into the Pisces zodiac - marking a New Age. 67 BC may have been seen as marking the ' dawning period ' ( i.e. when the sun began its transition across the two constellation's boundary - i.e. from Aries to Pisces ).
How was Daniel able to provide Israel with such advanced astronomical calculations ? Daniel had been a ' guest ' ( captive ) of King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon. Daniel's time in Babylon enabled him to gain advanced astronomical knowledge - including the concept of a Great Age, which later inspired Daniel to link the timing of the next Great Age, with a new spiritual renewal for Israel. Hence his 69 week prophetic timeline correlated with the start of a NEW PISCINE AGE.
Babylon was of course, a key center of astronomical studies. The Babylonian Zodiac was not just a tool for astrology, but its central role was . . . time keeping.
A new Great Age ( when the Sun moved into a new Zodiac for the next two thousand years ), was an important event. Thus, Daniel's 69 week timeline marks the end of the Age of Aries. No other cosmic correlation can be found that explains why 69 weeks ends in 33AD.
Prophet Ezekiel lived during Israel's Babylonian conquest period. Ezekiel concerns himself with another future ‘ Messianic Age ’ : the Aquarian Age.
According to his time-lines, the nation of Israel must be restored by 1948 AD ( 2520 years from the Edict of Cyrus ), and a temple prepared by 1967 AD ( 2520 years from the Edict of Artazerxes ), in time for a new Holy Messianic Age ; the Aquarian Age - the 7th Millennium since creation according to the Hebrew Bible. Christians would later call this Age - the Millennium Kingdom of God, where they look forward to the return of Christ.
Aquarian Spirituality asserts that each new Spiritual Great Age welcomes a new saviour ( who we call the Arch Angel - i.e. the messenger of Heavenly Wisdom ).
Most Bible commentators today, do not discuss Great Age timelines. Few commentators can explain WHY 33 AD for Daniel, and 1948 AD and 1967 AD for Ezekiel, were important dates, without admitting, that these years correlate with the commencement of a new spiritual Great Age. Most Christian apologists will attempt to ignore this correlation. Some will try to cover up the link, whilst others ( i.e. the Jesuits ) even try to extend official constellation boundaries, in an attempt to avoid acknowledging that a NEW AGE is here.
Aquarian Spirituality, inspired by Daniel and Ezekiels' wisdom, declares that each new Great Age is a time for spiritual renewal. And after two thousand years of errors, corruptions and outright fabrications, our primal spirituality is indeed, in need of serious renewal.
Interestingly, 1948 & 1967 are not just New Age markers but also years marked by Four Moon Tetrads.
Of course, the Ju’es claim that no Messiah emerged in 33 AD and in 70 AD, the Ju’ish temple was destroyed by Romans, so Israel could not welcome a messiah without their temple during the Piscine Age. A temple is necessary for sacrifices to be performed in, so that sins can be forgiven and the nation is ritually purified and ready to accept their messiah. In contrast, Christians state that the Messiah ( Yeshua ) arrived in Jerusalem exactly as per Daniel’s New Age / 69th Week timeline. Christ’s crucifixion was later interpreted by Christians as the ultimate sacrifice for all sins, and therefore, the temple was no longer needed.
The Jesuits, aware of the significance of a new Spiritual Great Age, have gone to great lengths to artificially extend the Piscine Age by officially extending the constellation’s boundaries through the International Astronomical Union ( which they were founding members of ), in an attempt to “ stretch the Age ” and postpone any talk of a new Spiritual Age ( which welcomes a “ new messiah ” ).
The Elites understand the threat to their plans that any ( supernatural ) Ju’ish messiah posses, and so every effort was made to ensure that no temple was built on the Mount in 1948. Moslems were co-opted to retain control of the site, and laws passed by the UN ( an instrument of the Elites ) ensured that no temple can arise. No temple. No messiah. That now leaves the site free for the elites to construct their future monument.
Daniel's 69 weeks and Ezekiel's Desolation and Servitude timelines are not some random, magical or mysterious prophecy codes, but clear markers for the start of two future Great Ages : the Piscine Age and the Aquarian Age. For more on this topic, you should read ' Aquarian Spirituality ' by MC Zaniah ( available at cost on Amazon.com - search by author ) Below : Ezekiel's timelines and a zodiac mosaic in a synagogue in Sepphoris Galilee, confirming its centrality in Judaism's belief system. Third image : Daniel's timeline points forward to the new Piscine Age
Aquarian Spirituality has embedded codes in our texts to validate the authenticity of our message. These codes, revealed to, and used by the leadership of Aquarian Spirituality, ensure our present and future publications can be validated as authentic. This is important in an era of ' fake news ' and false preachers !
An example of an ' embedded validation code ' is found the Hebrew language version of the five books of Hebrew Torah ( a.k.a the part of the Bible attributed to Moses ). In the first two books of the Bible, after every 49th letter, by selecting the 50th letter, the word eventually spells " Torah ". In the last two books, using the same 49 letter method, the word also spells Torah - but in reverse ( i.e. " H A R O T " ). But in the middle book ( Leviticus / the Law ), the code reveals the name of the Hebrew El / god : " Y H W H ". The code is in fact a visual reminder that the Torah always points to G - d, but it primarily serves as a validation of the authenticity of the author's work.
The number 49 is significant as it is the culmination of a Jubilee Cycle of 49 years ( 7 x 7 years = 49 ), where the 50th year becomes the Jubilee year : a year of forgiveness ( including release of slaves and debts ). Leviticus 23:15 instructs followers to count 49 days from Passover and then to celebrate the Feast of Weeks on the 50th day. The Feast of Weeks commemorates the giving of the Torah. Christ also chose to wait 49 days after the 33 AD Passover / the crucifixion event, before ordaining the new church on the Feast of Pentecost ( Pentekoste means 50th in Greek - the second language of the Christian church after Aramaic, and before Latin was later used in the Western church ).
Forgiveness is a central aspect of freedom, as taught in Aquarian Spirituality, where freedom through forgiveness forms part of the 2nd pillar of our spirituality. Rather than waiting 49 years, forgiveness is practiced each night as part of our method. Order any of our Aquarian Spirituality books for more on the 3 pillars of Aquarian Spirituality.
The Jubilee cycle was never correctly adhered to by the ancient Israelites. Today, there is also no declared Jubilee Year in Israel. Israel today, is not a monarchy ( as prescribed in the Torah ), but a state ruled by a secular socialist / Zionist ( i.e. nationalist ) government, first established by British Imperialists ( who attempted to colonise the Levant in the 19th and 20th century, including implementing a policy whereby returned Ju'es populated the region in order to create the modern day State of Israel ).
The Prophet Daniel taught that 33 AD marked the 70th Sabbatical Year Cycle ( i.e. 70 cycles of Sabbaths : 70 x 7 years = 490 years ) since 458 BC *. Thus 458 BC + 490 years = 33 AD.
* 458 BC was a Sabbatical Year - Year 1 for Daniel's timeline.
Luke 4 describes 33 AD as a Jubilee year ( see Leviticus 25 ) - a year of liberation.
Solomon’s occult temple was dedicated in 967 BC. In that year, Solomon also died and his kingdom split. Christ was restoring the true ‘ temple ’ by cleansing Solomon’s corruptions, as well as uniting the 12 tribes after 1000 years apart. That meant destroying the existing physical temple in Jerusalem and instead ‘ putting God back into the hearts and minds of the people ’ - i.e. the true ( inner ) temple. Christ called for the destruction of the Jerusalem temple during the 70th Sabbatical cycle year ( 33 AD ) - signalling an end to the sin that had stained his people’s faith since Solomon and thus liberating / cleansing / purifying his people ( the 12 Tribes ) spiritually.
Christ admonished the Pharisees ( the ruling religious sect in Jerusalem ) for failing to officially recognise this day, suggesting that every learned Jew would have known the calculations for ' Palm Sunday ' 33 AD. In fact, this special day should have been one of the most important feast days in that year's calendar ( see Luke 19 : 37 - 40 ). But the Pharisees were concerned a new king and Messiah would usurp their financial power base : control of temple taxes. The pharisees' concerns were soon validated when Christ proclaimed that HE was the Son of God, and God was in him and NOT in the temple ( which would soon be destroyed ). For this, Christ became enemy # 1.
See John 14 : 20 and John 2 : 19. Below : The hidden Torah Code used by its authors to ensure authenticity of the book
An example of an ' embedded validation code ' is found the Hebrew language version of the five books of Hebrew Torah ( a.k.a the part of the Bible attributed to Moses ). In the first two books of the Bible, after every 49th letter, by selecting the 50th letter, the word eventually spells " Torah ". In the last two books, using the same 49 letter method, the word also spells Torah - but in reverse ( i.e. " H A R O T " ). But in the middle book ( Leviticus / the Law ), the code reveals the name of the Hebrew El / god : " Y H W H ". The code is in fact a visual reminder that the Torah always points to G - d, but it primarily serves as a validation of the authenticity of the author's work.
The number 49 is significant as it is the culmination of a Jubilee Cycle of 49 years ( 7 x 7 years = 49 ), where the 50th year becomes the Jubilee year : a year of forgiveness ( including release of slaves and debts ). Leviticus 23:15 instructs followers to count 49 days from Passover and then to celebrate the Feast of Weeks on the 50th day. The Feast of Weeks commemorates the giving of the Torah. Christ also chose to wait 49 days after the 33 AD Passover / the crucifixion event, before ordaining the new church on the Feast of Pentecost ( Pentekoste means 50th in Greek - the second language of the Christian church after Aramaic, and before Latin was later used in the Western church ).
Forgiveness is a central aspect of freedom, as taught in Aquarian Spirituality, where freedom through forgiveness forms part of the 2nd pillar of our spirituality. Rather than waiting 49 years, forgiveness is practiced each night as part of our method. Order any of our Aquarian Spirituality books for more on the 3 pillars of Aquarian Spirituality.
The Jubilee cycle was never correctly adhered to by the ancient Israelites. Today, there is also no declared Jubilee Year in Israel. Israel today, is not a monarchy ( as prescribed in the Torah ), but a state ruled by a secular socialist / Zionist ( i.e. nationalist ) government, first established by British Imperialists ( who attempted to colonise the Levant in the 19th and 20th century, including implementing a policy whereby returned Ju'es populated the region in order to create the modern day State of Israel ).
The Prophet Daniel taught that 33 AD marked the 70th Sabbatical Year Cycle ( i.e. 70 cycles of Sabbaths : 70 x 7 years = 490 years ) since 458 BC *. Thus 458 BC + 490 years = 33 AD.
* 458 BC was a Sabbatical Year - Year 1 for Daniel's timeline.
Luke 4 describes 33 AD as a Jubilee year ( see Leviticus 25 ) - a year of liberation.
Solomon’s occult temple was dedicated in 967 BC. In that year, Solomon also died and his kingdom split. Christ was restoring the true ‘ temple ’ by cleansing Solomon’s corruptions, as well as uniting the 12 tribes after 1000 years apart. That meant destroying the existing physical temple in Jerusalem and instead ‘ putting God back into the hearts and minds of the people ’ - i.e. the true ( inner ) temple. Christ called for the destruction of the Jerusalem temple during the 70th Sabbatical cycle year ( 33 AD ) - signalling an end to the sin that had stained his people’s faith since Solomon and thus liberating / cleansing / purifying his people ( the 12 Tribes ) spiritually.
Christ admonished the Pharisees ( the ruling religious sect in Jerusalem ) for failing to officially recognise this day, suggesting that every learned Jew would have known the calculations for ' Palm Sunday ' 33 AD. In fact, this special day should have been one of the most important feast days in that year's calendar ( see Luke 19 : 37 - 40 ). But the Pharisees were concerned a new king and Messiah would usurp their financial power base : control of temple taxes. The pharisees' concerns were soon validated when Christ proclaimed that HE was the Son of God, and God was in him and NOT in the temple ( which would soon be destroyed ). For this, Christ became enemy # 1.
See John 14 : 20 and John 2 : 19. Below : The hidden Torah Code used by its authors to ensure authenticity of the book
Do ' prophecies & predictions ' serve as ' validation codes ' in other religions ?
What does the prophet Hosea say in chapter 6:2 ?
" After two days will he revive us: in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight ".
2 Peter 3:8 defines symbolic references to a ' day ' in the Bible :
" a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day "
The Apostles of Christ, being Nazarenes, were well aware of the many symbolic codes in the Bible. Jesus after all, was a master symbolist - often using parables to teach deeper truths. What therefore, is the prophet Hosea suggesting ? Do these quotes provide for Christians and anti-Christs ( the occult worshiping elite and their instruments ) a timeline for anticipating the Messiah, enabling certain groups to be prepared ?
What actions will today's elites take to ensure NO supernatural Messiah challenges their New World Order ?
King Herod sought to eradicate a potential competitor by killing all male babies in his kingdom. Hitler, being highly immersed in the dark occult, would also strive to eliminate every Ju'ish person to prevent a Ju'ish Messiah threatening his 1000 year Reich ( called the Holocaust, which means sacrificial fire ).
To read more about end-time codes and timelines, read ' 2033 ' by MC Zaniah ( available now at amazon.com )
Our Lady of Guadalupe is a series of revelations in Mexico, in 1531. A 1777 painting of ' Our Lady ' shows a woman ( Mary ) cloaked in 46 stars. The 46 stars are linked to specific constellations, and the constellations are linked to groupings of popes by name. It is suggested that the 46 stars are a prediction of how many popes until the end of time ( aka the apocalypse ) ; i.e. 46 popes from 1531 A.D.
If you assume an average of 11 years - a plausible assumption ( the historical average is closer to 7 years as many popes reigned for less than 2 years, so by excluding the reigns of less than two years, the average is approx. 11 years ), then 46 popes x 11 years average reign, brings the 46th pope to the year 2033. This sounds interesting. However, there is a problem with this calculation. The 46th pope from 1531 AD is . . . Benedict. This means, that the apocalypse should have occurred by 2013 AD. It clearly didn't.
However, another prophecy, Revelation 17 : 10 states , that at the end times, there will be :
" seven kings, five of whom have fallen, one is, the other has not yet come, and when he does come he must remain only a little while ".
Roman Catholic Popes are also monarchs . . . until recently. The papal state was reinstated in 1929 by the Italian Fascist regimen ( an instrument of European elites ). The pope became a king of the Vatican State. The seventh crowned pope / king was . . . Benedict ( " the one who must remain only a little while " ). Therefore, should we have expected the end times by 2013 according to this prophecy ?
Benedict removed the crown from his papal Coat of arms during his pontificate symbolising the end of the monarchy. His successor, Francis, emphatically declared he was only the Bishop of Rome and displays only a bishops miter on his Coat of arms and not a crown. He has never been crowned. He does not wear the regalia of a king ( a crown ). Instead, he is often seen wearing simple priestly gowns.
The important question is : can the Revelation 17:10 Seven Kings prophecy be linked to the 7 popes of the present Vatican State ? An equally important question is : are events at the Vatican being guided to fulfill prophecies ( and who is doing the ' guidance ' ) ?
If Benedict is the culmination of the Rev 17:10 prophecy, and the Lady of Guadalupe ' 46 stars ' calculations, then the end times should have been upon us. But, what if those managing the introduction of the New Order, realized that a prophecy had been fulfilled, but the end / new time has not yet come, and therefore, there must be a solution until then. To find out what that solution is at the Vatican, order any of our Aquarian Spirituality books at amazon.com ( search by author MC Zaniah ) & read chapter 4. We also examine 3 other prophecies / calculations which all point to . . . 2033 A.D. Guadalupe images below by A. Massano. Click on images for more information.
What does the prophet Hosea say in chapter 6:2 ?
" After two days will he revive us: in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight ".
2 Peter 3:8 defines symbolic references to a ' day ' in the Bible :
" a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day "
The Apostles of Christ, being Nazarenes, were well aware of the many symbolic codes in the Bible. Jesus after all, was a master symbolist - often using parables to teach deeper truths. What therefore, is the prophet Hosea suggesting ? Do these quotes provide for Christians and anti-Christs ( the occult worshiping elite and their instruments ) a timeline for anticipating the Messiah, enabling certain groups to be prepared ?
What actions will today's elites take to ensure NO supernatural Messiah challenges their New World Order ?
King Herod sought to eradicate a potential competitor by killing all male babies in his kingdom. Hitler, being highly immersed in the dark occult, would also strive to eliminate every Ju'ish person to prevent a Ju'ish Messiah threatening his 1000 year Reich ( called the Holocaust, which means sacrificial fire ).
To read more about end-time codes and timelines, read ' 2033 ' by MC Zaniah ( available now at amazon.com )
Our Lady of Guadalupe is a series of revelations in Mexico, in 1531. A 1777 painting of ' Our Lady ' shows a woman ( Mary ) cloaked in 46 stars. The 46 stars are linked to specific constellations, and the constellations are linked to groupings of popes by name. It is suggested that the 46 stars are a prediction of how many popes until the end of time ( aka the apocalypse ) ; i.e. 46 popes from 1531 A.D.
If you assume an average of 11 years - a plausible assumption ( the historical average is closer to 7 years as many popes reigned for less than 2 years, so by excluding the reigns of less than two years, the average is approx. 11 years ), then 46 popes x 11 years average reign, brings the 46th pope to the year 2033. This sounds interesting. However, there is a problem with this calculation. The 46th pope from 1531 AD is . . . Benedict. This means, that the apocalypse should have occurred by 2013 AD. It clearly didn't.
However, another prophecy, Revelation 17 : 10 states , that at the end times, there will be :
" seven kings, five of whom have fallen, one is, the other has not yet come, and when he does come he must remain only a little while ".
Roman Catholic Popes are also monarchs . . . until recently. The papal state was reinstated in 1929 by the Italian Fascist regimen ( an instrument of European elites ). The pope became a king of the Vatican State. The seventh crowned pope / king was . . . Benedict ( " the one who must remain only a little while " ). Therefore, should we have expected the end times by 2013 according to this prophecy ?
Benedict removed the crown from his papal Coat of arms during his pontificate symbolising the end of the monarchy. His successor, Francis, emphatically declared he was only the Bishop of Rome and displays only a bishops miter on his Coat of arms and not a crown. He has never been crowned. He does not wear the regalia of a king ( a crown ). Instead, he is often seen wearing simple priestly gowns.
The important question is : can the Revelation 17:10 Seven Kings prophecy be linked to the 7 popes of the present Vatican State ? An equally important question is : are events at the Vatican being guided to fulfill prophecies ( and who is doing the ' guidance ' ) ?
If Benedict is the culmination of the Rev 17:10 prophecy, and the Lady of Guadalupe ' 46 stars ' calculations, then the end times should have been upon us. But, what if those managing the introduction of the New Order, realized that a prophecy had been fulfilled, but the end / new time has not yet come, and therefore, there must be a solution until then. To find out what that solution is at the Vatican, order any of our Aquarian Spirituality books at amazon.com ( search by author MC Zaniah ) & read chapter 4. We also examine 3 other prophecies / calculations which all point to . . . 2033 A.D. Guadalupe images below by A. Massano. Click on images for more information.
Francis, Bishop of Rome ( " First Amongst Equals " ) is now fully implementing the elite's 2nd Vatican Council reforms of the Catholic church, guided by the Cardinals of Rome who secretly serve Lord XXXXX. Even the sacrifice of the Mass is up for debate. The central aspect of the Catholic Mass, is called the Sacrifice, where Christ's sacrifice on the cross is mystically replayed at every Catholic Mass. The ritual of the Sacrifice is necessary to atone for sins. At a Mass, Christ mystically comes from the cross above the altar and presents as bread and wine ( i.e. his body and blood also called the Communion Transubstantiation ). Through this sacrifice, sins are atoned. This has been a high point ( and the point ) of every Mass for almost 2000 years. Now Rome's Synod ( a new centralist administrative mechanism of the Roman Church ) is maneuvering the church towards its ' end times ' role : guided by the elites, the church is moving towards an ecumenical position - the first step to creating a universal faith worshiping Lord XXXXX : the religion of the coming One World Order. onepeterfive.com/why-do-people-have-a-problem-with-the-novus-ordo/
By marginalising the sacrifice ( which is a far more mystical rite than the Protestant memorial meal ), synodists are seeking to remove the ' supernatural ' power of the Catholic Mass.
If you're a believing XXXXX worshiper, removing the Sacrifice removes a key supernatural obstacle. www.traditioninaction.org/religious/i022_Mass-5.htm sspx.au/en/traditional-mass-vs-new-mass-33860
Traditional Catholics ( many are participants in the ancient Latin Mass ) are rightly concerned that the Novus Ordo ( Ordinary ) Mass is being dismantled, and the Latin Mass marginalised ( even outlawed ). A major schism is now likely, especially after the excommunication by Francis, of US. Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano in 2024. Archbishop Vigano penned an open letter to President Donald J. Trump, stating :
" A global plan called the Great Reset is underway. Its architect is the global elite that wants to subdue all of humanity imposing coercive measures with which to drastically limit individual freedoms . . . "
What fraternity worships an ' architect ' ? What are the deeper aims of the global elite ?
Forgiveness is thee central aspect of the second pillar of Aquarian Spirituality. We don't depend upon temples or mystical rituals to harness the blessing of atonement ( the ground of freedom ). To understand more about the 3 pillars of Aquarian Spirituality, and to uncover the identity of the deity ( XXXXX ) at the heart of the coming new world religion, order today, your copy of ' Aquarian Spirituality ' by MC Zaniah ( search on Amazon ). It's time to bring down the walls that cover up the elite's grand plans for humanity.
By marginalising the sacrifice ( which is a far more mystical rite than the Protestant memorial meal ), synodists are seeking to remove the ' supernatural ' power of the Catholic Mass.
If you're a believing XXXXX worshiper, removing the Sacrifice removes a key supernatural obstacle. www.traditioninaction.org/religious/i022_Mass-5.htm sspx.au/en/traditional-mass-vs-new-mass-33860
Traditional Catholics ( many are participants in the ancient Latin Mass ) are rightly concerned that the Novus Ordo ( Ordinary ) Mass is being dismantled, and the Latin Mass marginalised ( even outlawed ). A major schism is now likely, especially after the excommunication by Francis, of US. Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano in 2024. Archbishop Vigano penned an open letter to President Donald J. Trump, stating :
" A global plan called the Great Reset is underway. Its architect is the global elite that wants to subdue all of humanity imposing coercive measures with which to drastically limit individual freedoms . . . "
What fraternity worships an ' architect ' ? What are the deeper aims of the global elite ?
Forgiveness is thee central aspect of the second pillar of Aquarian Spirituality. We don't depend upon temples or mystical rituals to harness the blessing of atonement ( the ground of freedom ). To understand more about the 3 pillars of Aquarian Spirituality, and to uncover the identity of the deity ( XXXXX ) at the heart of the coming new world religion, order today, your copy of ' Aquarian Spirituality ' by MC Zaniah ( search on Amazon ). It's time to bring down the walls that cover up the elite's grand plans for humanity.
How the Bible ' timed ' the End Times
During the 33rd week of ordinary time readings at Catholic masses, parishioners across the United States hear two key Bible readings from Daniel 12 and Mark 12. It is no coincidence that the 33rd week is reserved for end times literature. We discuss numerology in our books and the significance of occult numbers such as 3, 7, 11 & 33.
Daniel 12 describes the coming of the Arch Angel Michael - the great prince and guardian of the people. Michael is a key figure in Aquarian Spirituality. But he is not some ghostly spirit. To find out more about the savior for our times, you must read ' Aquarian Spirituality ' by MC Zaniah.
Mark 12 reads :
Jesus said to his disciples " In those days after that tribulation, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will be falling from the sky, and the powers in the heavens will be shaken " . . . " and then they will see the Son of Man coming in the clouds ".
Finally Mark writes : " this generation will not pass away until all these things have taken place ".
Some interpret the words " this generation " to mean the generation living during the first century A.D. Some Bible scholars suggest Mark was inspired to write his book after the destruction of Jerusalem in 70AD by Rome. Scholars overwhelmingly agree on the dating of Mark's gospel : i.e. shortly after 70 AD. It was a depressing and terrifying time for the disciples of Christ and for all Judea. Such a disaster, would have greatly influenced the gospel author's worldview and writings.
Many modern-minded Christians suggest that the prophetic events, known as the " end times ", have already occurred, and that there is no future ' end times ' / Armageddon to be concerned about. They are called Preterists. They argue that the 70 AD destruction of Jerusalem and its temple fulfilled the Bible's prophecies.
However, there may also be another interpretation.
" this generation " may refer to the New Piscine Great Age, which astronomically speaking, began in 67 BC and, was the current Great Age during the time of Christ.
Was the term - " this generation " - referring to a time period known as a Great Age ? Was Mark's reference to " the Son of Man " actually referring to the coming of the Arch Angel Michael at the dawning of the next Great Age ( the Aquarian Age ) as per Daniel 12.
The end of the Piscine Age occurred in 2020 AD according to timelines presented in Aquarian Spirituality books.
Is Christ teaching us that all Great Ages end, and that a new ' Angel ' / Saviour will come at the dawning of each new Great Age, offering wisdom for the next ' generation ' ?
In Luke 22:10 , Christ says : “ Behold, when you have entered the city, a man will meet you carrying a pitcher of water; follow him into the house which he enters ".
" The city " and ' the house ' refers to a constellation, which were also known as ' heavenly hosts ' Which city ? Which house ? Answer : the one where a man carries a pitcher of water . . . Aquarius.
Much of the Bible is written as a series of parables. The bible is not history. It is about theology, including Astro-theology ( i.e. god and the heavenly bodies ).
Christ was not talking about a venue for the Last Supper. He was teaching his disciples that all Ages come to an end and we must RENEW our spirituality for the times. Just as the end of the Age of Aries was the sign for a spiritual re invigoration, so it will be at the end of the Piscine Age ( i.e. in 2020 AD ).
At the Last Supper, each disciple ( there were 12 ) represented a Heavenly Host ( constellation of the Zodiac ). During the night, the Sun ( i.e. the Son of God ) was represented by bread and wine ( body and blood ). These were passed around the table from one disciple to the next, just as the Sun would pass through the 12 constellations each year. At the end of the ' procession ', were two special disciples who represented . . . Pisces and Aquarius.
The ritual ended when the bread and wine passed from Pisces to Aquarius. Christ was reminding his disciples, that even ' his Age ' ( generation / Piscine Age ) will pass. Christ understood that Great Ages end - but its not the end of the world. Christ was not a doomsday prophet. Doomsday Christianity emerged with the work of John of Patmos, who wrote the ' Book of Revelations ', which warped Christianity into a doomsday cult.
Today, Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant churches preach on ' end times ' to various degrees. For some churches, its their core focus. After all, fear has always been an effective recruitment and retention method.
Christ would never have preached such negativity. His gospel was love-centered and live-affirming.
The ending of a Great Age was not about the ' end of times ' . . . but about a NEW time : a time for spiritual renewal so that spirituality can remain relevant for the times.
To understand more about the real Last Supper ritual, and the NEXT Great Age and what it means for you, order the 580 + pages paperback ' Aquarian Spirituality ' by MC Zaniah ( available at Amazon.com always at cost price ).
During the 33rd week of ordinary time readings at Catholic masses, parishioners across the United States hear two key Bible readings from Daniel 12 and Mark 12. It is no coincidence that the 33rd week is reserved for end times literature. We discuss numerology in our books and the significance of occult numbers such as 3, 7, 11 & 33.
Daniel 12 describes the coming of the Arch Angel Michael - the great prince and guardian of the people. Michael is a key figure in Aquarian Spirituality. But he is not some ghostly spirit. To find out more about the savior for our times, you must read ' Aquarian Spirituality ' by MC Zaniah.
Mark 12 reads :
Jesus said to his disciples " In those days after that tribulation, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will be falling from the sky, and the powers in the heavens will be shaken " . . . " and then they will see the Son of Man coming in the clouds ".
Finally Mark writes : " this generation will not pass away until all these things have taken place ".
Some interpret the words " this generation " to mean the generation living during the first century A.D. Some Bible scholars suggest Mark was inspired to write his book after the destruction of Jerusalem in 70AD by Rome. Scholars overwhelmingly agree on the dating of Mark's gospel : i.e. shortly after 70 AD. It was a depressing and terrifying time for the disciples of Christ and for all Judea. Such a disaster, would have greatly influenced the gospel author's worldview and writings.
Many modern-minded Christians suggest that the prophetic events, known as the " end times ", have already occurred, and that there is no future ' end times ' / Armageddon to be concerned about. They are called Preterists. They argue that the 70 AD destruction of Jerusalem and its temple fulfilled the Bible's prophecies.
However, there may also be another interpretation.
" this generation " may refer to the New Piscine Great Age, which astronomically speaking, began in 67 BC and, was the current Great Age during the time of Christ.
Was the term - " this generation " - referring to a time period known as a Great Age ? Was Mark's reference to " the Son of Man " actually referring to the coming of the Arch Angel Michael at the dawning of the next Great Age ( the Aquarian Age ) as per Daniel 12.
The end of the Piscine Age occurred in 2020 AD according to timelines presented in Aquarian Spirituality books.
Is Christ teaching us that all Great Ages end, and that a new ' Angel ' / Saviour will come at the dawning of each new Great Age, offering wisdom for the next ' generation ' ?
In Luke 22:10 , Christ says : “ Behold, when you have entered the city, a man will meet you carrying a pitcher of water; follow him into the house which he enters ".
" The city " and ' the house ' refers to a constellation, which were also known as ' heavenly hosts ' Which city ? Which house ? Answer : the one where a man carries a pitcher of water . . . Aquarius.
Much of the Bible is written as a series of parables. The bible is not history. It is about theology, including Astro-theology ( i.e. god and the heavenly bodies ).
Christ was not talking about a venue for the Last Supper. He was teaching his disciples that all Ages come to an end and we must RENEW our spirituality for the times. Just as the end of the Age of Aries was the sign for a spiritual re invigoration, so it will be at the end of the Piscine Age ( i.e. in 2020 AD ).
At the Last Supper, each disciple ( there were 12 ) represented a Heavenly Host ( constellation of the Zodiac ). During the night, the Sun ( i.e. the Son of God ) was represented by bread and wine ( body and blood ). These were passed around the table from one disciple to the next, just as the Sun would pass through the 12 constellations each year. At the end of the ' procession ', were two special disciples who represented . . . Pisces and Aquarius.
The ritual ended when the bread and wine passed from Pisces to Aquarius. Christ was reminding his disciples, that even ' his Age ' ( generation / Piscine Age ) will pass. Christ understood that Great Ages end - but its not the end of the world. Christ was not a doomsday prophet. Doomsday Christianity emerged with the work of John of Patmos, who wrote the ' Book of Revelations ', which warped Christianity into a doomsday cult.
Today, Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant churches preach on ' end times ' to various degrees. For some churches, its their core focus. After all, fear has always been an effective recruitment and retention method.
Christ would never have preached such negativity. His gospel was love-centered and live-affirming.
The ending of a Great Age was not about the ' end of times ' . . . but about a NEW time : a time for spiritual renewal so that spirituality can remain relevant for the times.
To understand more about the real Last Supper ritual, and the NEXT Great Age and what it means for you, order the 580 + pages paperback ' Aquarian Spirituality ' by MC Zaniah ( available at Amazon.com always at cost price ).
Notre-dame - who is this dame ?
The secular state of France has owned the Notre-dame Cathedral in Paris since the time of the French Revolution. The cathedral has recently being restored by the state. At the opening, Presidents Trump and Macron dutifully attended the ritual re-dedication where the Notre-dame is worshiped, guarded by demonic gargoyles.
During the reign of terror, statues of Lady Liberty were placed in the former church. Who is Lady Liberty ? Is she the real notre dame still worshiped today at Paris' gothic high temple ?
Lady Liberty is ' derived ' from goddess Semiramis - one third of the first occult trinity ( see illustrations below ). She was, and continues to be, worshiped by numerous occult groups, including a 3000 year old priesthood that is guiding today's elites towards a One World Order ( which includes a single global religion worshiping Lord XXXXX ). Today, she sits in plain site for those who have eyes to see. King Nimrod ( Semiramis' husband ) is a foundation hero of the global stone cutters fraternity ( who are also led by this 3000 year old priesthood ), which in ancient times, provided the architectural plans for this cathedral, in order that it's dame could be worshiped.
Like most gothic cathedrals, three towers mark this occult temple. Why three towers ? Each tower represents one of the three members of the occult trinity. The twin towers represent Nimrod and Semiramis, whilst the single tower always represents Tammuz ( their son ). Each gothic cathedral stands as a testament to this ancient occult trinity.
To uncover redactions and understand more about the ' secrets ' discussed here, order your copy of ' One World Order ' by MC Zaniah ( available ' at cost ' from Amazon.com ).
The secular state of France has owned the Notre-dame Cathedral in Paris since the time of the French Revolution. The cathedral has recently being restored by the state. At the opening, Presidents Trump and Macron dutifully attended the ritual re-dedication where the Notre-dame is worshiped, guarded by demonic gargoyles.
During the reign of terror, statues of Lady Liberty were placed in the former church. Who is Lady Liberty ? Is she the real notre dame still worshiped today at Paris' gothic high temple ?
Lady Liberty is ' derived ' from goddess Semiramis - one third of the first occult trinity ( see illustrations below ). She was, and continues to be, worshiped by numerous occult groups, including a 3000 year old priesthood that is guiding today's elites towards a One World Order ( which includes a single global religion worshiping Lord XXXXX ). Today, she sits in plain site for those who have eyes to see. King Nimrod ( Semiramis' husband ) is a foundation hero of the global stone cutters fraternity ( who are also led by this 3000 year old priesthood ), which in ancient times, provided the architectural plans for this cathedral, in order that it's dame could be worshiped.
Like most gothic cathedrals, three towers mark this occult temple. Why three towers ? Each tower represents one of the three members of the occult trinity. The twin towers represent Nimrod and Semiramis, whilst the single tower always represents Tammuz ( their son ). Each gothic cathedral stands as a testament to this ancient occult trinity.
To uncover redactions and understand more about the ' secrets ' discussed here, order your copy of ' One World Order ' by MC Zaniah ( available ' at cost ' from Amazon.com ).
The ' new ' global religion is emerging and it is . . . colorful
The December 2024 re-dedication of Paris' Notre Dame gothic cathedral featured a new look for priests, which looks like something inspired by ' Joseph and his amazing technicolor dreamcoat ', or the Rubik's Cube. Ridiculed by many, one thing is becoming clear : the ' new religion ' will be colorful and playful - a fun place to worship lord XXXXX.
What's with the demonic organ solo that ' opened ' the restored pipes !! No sweet sounds here ! Just as Jazz music is a ' disruptive ' style, pipe organ improvisation is purposely chaotic and demonic. See the YouTube video below.
Is that an altar ( a place of altering ) or a huge coin deposit box ( with an extra large slot for all those gold coins ) ? And what do we see on the floor of this vast cult center ? The stone cutter fraternities' classic black and white ' cubes ' ( called mosaic pavement ). The white spaces enable a representation of ' black cubes '. How many cubes does it take to fill a cathedral ? 144,000 ? The cathedral space has 42,000 square meters of stonework. What's with the number 42 in occult circles ? Why is a golden dragon crowning the cathedral ( oh they say its a rooster . . . what coq ! ).
Notre Dame was built on the site of an ancient Roman temple dedicated to Jupiter. The building later became the first Christian church ( called St. Stephen's ). Many ancient myths tell of a battle between Jupiter and Saturn. What cosmic event inspired these myths ? To understand the link between Jupiter, Saturn and the Judeo-Christian god, and for more on cubes, numerology, dragons, demonic tunes and symbols of the coming ' new global religion ' . . . get the new book ' Satan Rules ' by MC Zaniah, now available at cost, from Amazon.com
The first cathedral that stood on the site of today's Notre Dame, was called the Cathedral of Saint-Etienne / Saint Stephen ( Etienne in French ) - the first Christian martyr. Stephen's death in 36 AD marked the end of the 7 years of tribulation ( according to Preterists ), thus fulfilling prophecies in the Book of Revelations and Daniel's 70th Week prophecy.
In the 12th century, a new and radical gothic church architecture emerged - based on ancient plans for Solomon's NEW temple in Jerusalem. The plans were found by Templar Knights under Temple Mount. This grand temple was never built in Jerusalem during Solomon's reign. Solomon ruled from Egypt and his first temple was a pre-existing Egyptian temple in Tanis Egypt. After Solomon, a modest structure was built on Temple Mount, where a ' pre-Israelite ' temple had once stood. So modest in fact was this building, there are no remains of this building today. In contrast, the Tanis temple's remains can be viewed today, whilst the priceless artifacts from the Tanis period are on display in Egypt's main museum.
Back in 12th century Paris, the plans discovered by the Templars were now used to construct a replacement for St. Stephens cathedral.
Why was the new gothic cathedral renamed . . . Notre Dame ? The answer is found by asking an important question : who were the Templars really honouring ? Not St. Stephen. Who was their Notre Dame ?
In their satanic hymn, ' Stairway to Heaven ', the band Led Zeppelin reminded us that " Words have two meanings ". Likewise, the name Notre Dame conceals a hidden identity.
Who is this deity ? Hint : It is a ' lady ', but its not Mary, the mother of Jesus.
Is this ' lady ' still worshiped today ?
Through her, prayers ( called intersessions ) are still to this day, being directed to Lord XXXXX - and all hidden in plain sight for those who have eyes to see. Sometimes words really do have . . . two meanings.
The last remains of St. Etienne's were demolished during the French Revolution. What is the link between the instigators of the Reign of Terror, a secretive stone cutters fraternity, and the Templars ? All is revealed in our books.
Below : A bright & colorful new religion will provide imaginary ' salvation ' in an otherwise dark despotic dystopia.
The December 2024 re-dedication of Paris' Notre Dame gothic cathedral featured a new look for priests, which looks like something inspired by ' Joseph and his amazing technicolor dreamcoat ', or the Rubik's Cube. Ridiculed by many, one thing is becoming clear : the ' new religion ' will be colorful and playful - a fun place to worship lord XXXXX.
What's with the demonic organ solo that ' opened ' the restored pipes !! No sweet sounds here ! Just as Jazz music is a ' disruptive ' style, pipe organ improvisation is purposely chaotic and demonic. See the YouTube video below.
Is that an altar ( a place of altering ) or a huge coin deposit box ( with an extra large slot for all those gold coins ) ? And what do we see on the floor of this vast cult center ? The stone cutter fraternities' classic black and white ' cubes ' ( called mosaic pavement ). The white spaces enable a representation of ' black cubes '. How many cubes does it take to fill a cathedral ? 144,000 ? The cathedral space has 42,000 square meters of stonework. What's with the number 42 in occult circles ? Why is a golden dragon crowning the cathedral ( oh they say its a rooster . . . what coq ! ).
Notre Dame was built on the site of an ancient Roman temple dedicated to Jupiter. The building later became the first Christian church ( called St. Stephen's ). Many ancient myths tell of a battle between Jupiter and Saturn. What cosmic event inspired these myths ? To understand the link between Jupiter, Saturn and the Judeo-Christian god, and for more on cubes, numerology, dragons, demonic tunes and symbols of the coming ' new global religion ' . . . get the new book ' Satan Rules ' by MC Zaniah, now available at cost, from Amazon.com
The first cathedral that stood on the site of today's Notre Dame, was called the Cathedral of Saint-Etienne / Saint Stephen ( Etienne in French ) - the first Christian martyr. Stephen's death in 36 AD marked the end of the 7 years of tribulation ( according to Preterists ), thus fulfilling prophecies in the Book of Revelations and Daniel's 70th Week prophecy.
In the 12th century, a new and radical gothic church architecture emerged - based on ancient plans for Solomon's NEW temple in Jerusalem. The plans were found by Templar Knights under Temple Mount. This grand temple was never built in Jerusalem during Solomon's reign. Solomon ruled from Egypt and his first temple was a pre-existing Egyptian temple in Tanis Egypt. After Solomon, a modest structure was built on Temple Mount, where a ' pre-Israelite ' temple had once stood. So modest in fact was this building, there are no remains of this building today. In contrast, the Tanis temple's remains can be viewed today, whilst the priceless artifacts from the Tanis period are on display in Egypt's main museum.
Back in 12th century Paris, the plans discovered by the Templars were now used to construct a replacement for St. Stephens cathedral.
Why was the new gothic cathedral renamed . . . Notre Dame ? The answer is found by asking an important question : who were the Templars really honouring ? Not St. Stephen. Who was their Notre Dame ?
In their satanic hymn, ' Stairway to Heaven ', the band Led Zeppelin reminded us that " Words have two meanings ". Likewise, the name Notre Dame conceals a hidden identity.
Who is this deity ? Hint : It is a ' lady ', but its not Mary, the mother of Jesus.
Is this ' lady ' still worshiped today ?
Through her, prayers ( called intersessions ) are still to this day, being directed to Lord XXXXX - and all hidden in plain sight for those who have eyes to see. Sometimes words really do have . . . two meanings.
The last remains of St. Etienne's were demolished during the French Revolution. What is the link between the instigators of the Reign of Terror, a secretive stone cutters fraternity, and the Templars ? All is revealed in our books.
Below : A bright & colorful new religion will provide imaginary ' salvation ' in an otherwise dark despotic dystopia.
How is the new world order grinding people down ?
Answer : by creating an ' anti-culture ' of dark and depressive art, music, architecture, gaming, violent ' sports ' and entertainment.
Popular music and movies are full of sexualised, violent and degrading content. Modern art is visually ugly. Gaming hooks kids in with violence, as do new sports such as ' cage fighting '. Gang culture ( think graffiti, gangsta rap, gun culture and street fashion ) is celebrated as if it was something to aspire to. Television is flooded with mindless crime and game shows and ' bad news updates '. Streaming is even worse. Porn is everywhere online including on social media ( which has today become ' owned ' by debased narcissists who should be called Effluencers not Influencers ).
Suburbs are filled with miles and miles of uninspiring grey cube-shaped McMansions, increasingly with no room for a garden - no room for kids to be kids. This drives them back into their cubes and on-line where they are corrupted and controlled by the anti-culture. Confinement not only leads to poor mental health, but it also creates obesity, thus limiting longevity ( p.s. they actually don't want you to live too long . . . just until you retire - whereupon you stop paying income taxes and you become a drain on state coffers. The public medical sector is not there for you, it's there to serve the state. Most doctors are state employees. Remember : who pays the piper calls the tune. State healthcare's key task is keep workers working. The elderly and infirm in public care provide doctors with " living cadavers " - people to practice on. On the other hand, private physicians are paid by rich clients to optimise THEIR health outcomes and extend life. Their treatments are not readily available to the general public. Furthermore, Big Food and Big Pharma are key causes of sickness and early deaths. Research your food options and the pills you are prescribed ).
Modern mega cities are uninspiring, grey and cold. Our houses ( inside and out ) are bleak and sterile. High rises are replacing villages - creating isolation on a grand scale. Modern buildings ( a.k.a. machines for living ) are visually brutal. Cities increasingly feel like abandoned post-Armageddon wastelands as classical buildings and traditional lane-ways for living make way for cold towers and dark, windswept and treeless car corridors. Everywhere is monitored. Some perverted public official has easy access to vision of your kids at the park or the beach *.
Despite the ever increasing monitoring, random crime is on the increase in many cities. Crime is " encouraged " through lax penalties, enabling young gangs to rob, injure and generally terrorize a city's inhabitants with impunity. This ensures that residents live in a state of fear and anxiety. The reason for permitting so much violence ? One day we will all appreciate a totalitarian society - free from crime. Until then, crime helps to grind you down, so governments are not going to do much to fix it. So learn to protect yourself and your mob as effectively as you can.
And we wonder why depression, anxiety, fear, mistrust and violence is on the rise. But its no accident. It's all part of a systematic program designed to grind you down.
All this ' grinding down ' was pioneered by criminal Marxists in Communist states, and now, it's being mirrored in our present day Socialist tyrannies ( Communism - tyranny by force - and Socialism - tyranny by legislation - are both Marxist tyrannies : a doctrine created by German elites, which seeks to destroy traditional communities and bring them ALL under One World Order at the ritually anointed time ).
Welcome to the evolving New World Order. Just " take a pill and chill online " is their . . . ' solution '.
But their pill is not . . . salvation. Its chemical - technical - social slavery.
For salvation, get off the couch, buy the book, practice Aquarian Spirituality, think and liberate yourself - if you want to live a real life ( i.e. be all you can be ), and overcome their tyranny.
* www.sbs.com.au/news/article/alarming-number-of-victoria-police-staff-investigated-for-domestic-violence-sex-crimes/g7bwuzzlj
Answer : by creating an ' anti-culture ' of dark and depressive art, music, architecture, gaming, violent ' sports ' and entertainment.
Popular music and movies are full of sexualised, violent and degrading content. Modern art is visually ugly. Gaming hooks kids in with violence, as do new sports such as ' cage fighting '. Gang culture ( think graffiti, gangsta rap, gun culture and street fashion ) is celebrated as if it was something to aspire to. Television is flooded with mindless crime and game shows and ' bad news updates '. Streaming is even worse. Porn is everywhere online including on social media ( which has today become ' owned ' by debased narcissists who should be called Effluencers not Influencers ).
Suburbs are filled with miles and miles of uninspiring grey cube-shaped McMansions, increasingly with no room for a garden - no room for kids to be kids. This drives them back into their cubes and on-line where they are corrupted and controlled by the anti-culture. Confinement not only leads to poor mental health, but it also creates obesity, thus limiting longevity ( p.s. they actually don't want you to live too long . . . just until you retire - whereupon you stop paying income taxes and you become a drain on state coffers. The public medical sector is not there for you, it's there to serve the state. Most doctors are state employees. Remember : who pays the piper calls the tune. State healthcare's key task is keep workers working. The elderly and infirm in public care provide doctors with " living cadavers " - people to practice on. On the other hand, private physicians are paid by rich clients to optimise THEIR health outcomes and extend life. Their treatments are not readily available to the general public. Furthermore, Big Food and Big Pharma are key causes of sickness and early deaths. Research your food options and the pills you are prescribed ).
Modern mega cities are uninspiring, grey and cold. Our houses ( inside and out ) are bleak and sterile. High rises are replacing villages - creating isolation on a grand scale. Modern buildings ( a.k.a. machines for living ) are visually brutal. Cities increasingly feel like abandoned post-Armageddon wastelands as classical buildings and traditional lane-ways for living make way for cold towers and dark, windswept and treeless car corridors. Everywhere is monitored. Some perverted public official has easy access to vision of your kids at the park or the beach *.
Despite the ever increasing monitoring, random crime is on the increase in many cities. Crime is " encouraged " through lax penalties, enabling young gangs to rob, injure and generally terrorize a city's inhabitants with impunity. This ensures that residents live in a state of fear and anxiety. The reason for permitting so much violence ? One day we will all appreciate a totalitarian society - free from crime. Until then, crime helps to grind you down, so governments are not going to do much to fix it. So learn to protect yourself and your mob as effectively as you can.
And we wonder why depression, anxiety, fear, mistrust and violence is on the rise. But its no accident. It's all part of a systematic program designed to grind you down.
All this ' grinding down ' was pioneered by criminal Marxists in Communist states, and now, it's being mirrored in our present day Socialist tyrannies ( Communism - tyranny by force - and Socialism - tyranny by legislation - are both Marxist tyrannies : a doctrine created by German elites, which seeks to destroy traditional communities and bring them ALL under One World Order at the ritually anointed time ).
Welcome to the evolving New World Order. Just " take a pill and chill online " is their . . . ' solution '.
But their pill is not . . . salvation. Its chemical - technical - social slavery.
For salvation, get off the couch, buy the book, practice Aquarian Spirituality, think and liberate yourself - if you want to live a real life ( i.e. be all you can be ), and overcome their tyranny.
* www.sbs.com.au/news/article/alarming-number-of-victoria-police-staff-investigated-for-domestic-violence-sex-crimes/g7bwuzzlj
The big scramble
As part of the elite's progression towards THEIR new society, all nations will become history and remaining citizens will be scrambled into new cities ( i.e. those who are allowed to survive the coming Virus 33 by being granted anti-viral medication ). Huh ? Peoples from all former nations will be made to come together to live in newly restructured societies. There will be no ' European / African / Asian nations '. There will be no nations. Therefore there will be no nationalism. History will be abolished. Who you are today, and where you are today, will be the only things that you'll know about yourself.
The coming new society ( variously called the One World Order / New World Order / 1000 year kingdom ) will be composed of highly educated citizens, who've come together from all corners of the globe, to serve the elites in high tech roles. Robots will perform ALL mundane tasks. A single ' living wage ' and a global crypto currency will be accessible upon maintaining one's ' social score ' ( the method is already being tested in China ). Thus behaviours will be easily controlled.
There will be no nuclear family. From birth to youth, children will be managed by the state in 24/7 child care centers / " schools " - and thus, any blood loyalties will be eliminated. All loyalty will be to Lord XXXXX and the State. LGBT et al will be heavily promoted as a preferable lifestyle. This will help control the future birthrate. All conception will likely be lab based ( think sperm banks and IVF clinics ), thus freeing women from the need to find a male partner. Single living ( in high-rise cubicles-for-one / micro apartments ) will be ' idealized '. Contraception will be mandatory except for selected women and men who will be " allocated " to reproductive tasks ( selection based on health and social scores ). Otherwise, most forms of recreational and ritualised sex will be liberated from existing stigmas or taboos.
All of these trends are already progressing today. Nations are being scrambled with planned migration and multi-cultural polices. Movies and advertising promotes ' blended families '. Childcare and 5 day schooling is being ' offered ' to parents who now both have to work all week just to pay the deliberately exorbitant bills ( especially housing ). LGBT+ agendas are entrenched in government policies. Technology is aiding conception ( eg IVF ).
One nation will be singled out by the elites for a special role. The task ? To act as a global militia to maintain order. These people will be identifiable by their looks. Which nation will that be ? Are they resisting this role today ? Read ' New World Order ' by MC Zaniah to find out if its your nation.
Buy the book BEFORE they curtail all publishing ( in all its forms ) when the time comes.
As part of the elite's progression towards THEIR new society, all nations will become history and remaining citizens will be scrambled into new cities ( i.e. those who are allowed to survive the coming Virus 33 by being granted anti-viral medication ). Huh ? Peoples from all former nations will be made to come together to live in newly restructured societies. There will be no ' European / African / Asian nations '. There will be no nations. Therefore there will be no nationalism. History will be abolished. Who you are today, and where you are today, will be the only things that you'll know about yourself.
The coming new society ( variously called the One World Order / New World Order / 1000 year kingdom ) will be composed of highly educated citizens, who've come together from all corners of the globe, to serve the elites in high tech roles. Robots will perform ALL mundane tasks. A single ' living wage ' and a global crypto currency will be accessible upon maintaining one's ' social score ' ( the method is already being tested in China ). Thus behaviours will be easily controlled.
There will be no nuclear family. From birth to youth, children will be managed by the state in 24/7 child care centers / " schools " - and thus, any blood loyalties will be eliminated. All loyalty will be to Lord XXXXX and the State. LGBT et al will be heavily promoted as a preferable lifestyle. This will help control the future birthrate. All conception will likely be lab based ( think sperm banks and IVF clinics ), thus freeing women from the need to find a male partner. Single living ( in high-rise cubicles-for-one / micro apartments ) will be ' idealized '. Contraception will be mandatory except for selected women and men who will be " allocated " to reproductive tasks ( selection based on health and social scores ). Otherwise, most forms of recreational and ritualised sex will be liberated from existing stigmas or taboos.
All of these trends are already progressing today. Nations are being scrambled with planned migration and multi-cultural polices. Movies and advertising promotes ' blended families '. Childcare and 5 day schooling is being ' offered ' to parents who now both have to work all week just to pay the deliberately exorbitant bills ( especially housing ). LGBT+ agendas are entrenched in government policies. Technology is aiding conception ( eg IVF ).
One nation will be singled out by the elites for a special role. The task ? To act as a global militia to maintain order. These people will be identifiable by their looks. Which nation will that be ? Are they resisting this role today ? Read ' New World Order ' by MC Zaniah to find out if its your nation.
Buy the book BEFORE they curtail all publishing ( in all its forms ) when the time comes.
Birth rates, birth certificates and Big Banks ? Whats the connection ?
" Populate or perish " was a common catch phrase by governments around the world around 100 years ago. Why was population growth THEE big goal ( resulting in so many overcrowded cities today ) ?
Global bankers lend to nation states just like every day folk take loans for say, starting a new business venture. What collateral do you provide for your loan ? Commonly, it's your house. What do nation states provide as collateral ?
Every person in a modern nation state is registered at berth / birth for one very important reason. Your birth certificate is added to all the others, and forms a nation's net surety for future loans. The more citizens ; the more workers ; the greater the loans. Thus nations scrambled to raise the birthrate or migration rate. Isn't it nice to know that we are all here for the global bankers !
That was the 20th century. But now . . . things have changed. " Populate AND perish " is the elite's new mantra. What's changed ? How will big banks make money if global populations tank ? What happened to " grow or go " economic theory ? How will the rich stay rich ?
What's changed ?
We reveal what's changed and why in our books, and importantly, how it will impact every person on earth today, including whether you get to live or die. And no, where not talking about some supernatural rapture event.
You need to know about this. We can't print it here. Read ' New World Order ' - by MC Zaniah ( available at cost price at amazon.com )
" Populate or perish " was a common catch phrase by governments around the world around 100 years ago. Why was population growth THEE big goal ( resulting in so many overcrowded cities today ) ?
Global bankers lend to nation states just like every day folk take loans for say, starting a new business venture. What collateral do you provide for your loan ? Commonly, it's your house. What do nation states provide as collateral ?
Every person in a modern nation state is registered at berth / birth for one very important reason. Your birth certificate is added to all the others, and forms a nation's net surety for future loans. The more citizens ; the more workers ; the greater the loans. Thus nations scrambled to raise the birthrate or migration rate. Isn't it nice to know that we are all here for the global bankers !
That was the 20th century. But now . . . things have changed. " Populate AND perish " is the elite's new mantra. What's changed ? How will big banks make money if global populations tank ? What happened to " grow or go " economic theory ? How will the rich stay rich ?
What's changed ?
We reveal what's changed and why in our books, and importantly, how it will impact every person on earth today, including whether you get to live or die. And no, where not talking about some supernatural rapture event.
You need to know about this. We can't print it here. Read ' New World Order ' - by MC Zaniah ( available at cost price at amazon.com )
Video below : In their song ' The Walls came down ', the 80's band - The Call - sings about the Walls of Jericho being brought down by a powerful force. According to Joshua 5:13 - 6:27, the men of Israel gave a loud shout and the walls came down. What did they shout ? The answer is found at the end of the song, when the band repeatedly chants the word : " Yah ". Who is Yah ? Yah is short for Yahovah / YHWH / Yahweh - the El ( god ) of the Hebrews. El was just one of many ' Elohim ' ( which means gods plural ). Yah instructs the men of Israel to kill every man and woman once they captured Jericho. Why would a god demand such violence ? Why did this god also demand virgins and gold ? To find out who were these Elohim, and how they shaped our world and our religions, order the book ' New World Order ' by MC Zaniah - available at your Amazon online store & is sold ' at cost '. The answers are truly astonishing and the evidence is very compelling. It may change everything you thought you knew about religion and human history. Vale Michael Kenneth Been ( 1950 – 2010) - an inspiring preacher and performer