Aquarian Spirituality
Why is a modern spirituality emerging now ?
Every Great Age has seen significant developments in spirituality and religion.
Six thousand years ago, simple nature-oriented, Mother-Goddess, primordial-spirituality faiths were usurped by new blood-thirsty religions, created by tyrants with one thing in mind : to control people.
The Age of Taurus saw the emergence of Bull Worship cults, including the Moloch bull cult of the Levant region, the Minoan bull cult of Greece, the Hindu sacred bull cult of the Indus Valley Civilisation, and the Apis Bull Cult of Egypt. Human Sacrifices marked some ancient bull cults, including the Moloch cult.
But Bull cults were not the only cults around. Snake-God worshiping cults also arose. In Egypt, Atum the high god, was worshiped as a snake-god. Human sacrifices in pre-dynastic Egypt have been uncovered. Evidence of Snake-cults in the Levant have also been discovered. In South America, the first civilisation - the Caral Supe people of the Andes region - worshiped a Staff God - the precursor to the Feathered Snake god of the Aztecs and the Inca Empire.
Four thousand years ago, the Age of Aries bought about radical changes in spiritual practices. Abraham in the Fertile Crescent, Aristotle and Plato in Greece *, and Akhenaten in Egypt, experienced new truths that would lead them towards monotheism, and discard the Bull Worship and Snake God cults that marked the previous Age.
* The Prime Mover for Aristotle, was a god " above " other gods, and Plato's Demiurge was also " above " the other gods. As monotheism is compatible with there being other gods - so long as there is one god " above " them - then Aristotle and Plato can both be seen as monotheists.
Two thousand years ago, the Age of Pisces saw new spiritual ways replacing Arian Age religions. The Nazarene Messiah from Galilee taught that the divine is with us like a loving father, and no temple or tower was needed to live a holy life. The Buddha in Asia focused on the inner spiritual life as a way of gaining peace and contentment ( called Nirvana ). In India, Hindu theologians suggested that the ultimate reality transcended all gods, and named this concept ' Brahman '.
Today, as we approach the Aquarian Age in the West, Christianity is in crises. The Roman Church is plagued with occult practices, and that includes the many sexual perversions that are now coming to the surface.
Fundamentalism is leading many American churches to base their religion on a very narrow interpretation of the Bible ( called Biblical literalism ). As a result, their religion is stern, judgemental and alienating. In the East, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism and Buddhism, are increasingly being led by fanatical zealots. Religiosity, and inter-religious warfare, rather than a humane spirituality and co-existence, has become their chief concerns.
And yet if we dig a little, we find that most religions share a very common spiritual path. Culture, traditions, history and national identity politics - not spirituality - are driving religions apart. Put a Mufti, a guru, a priest and rabbi together in the same room to share spiritual insights, and they will inevitably walk away as friends, having found much in common.
Every Great Age has seen significant developments in spirituality and religion.
Six thousand years ago, simple nature-oriented, Mother-Goddess, primordial-spirituality faiths were usurped by new blood-thirsty religions, created by tyrants with one thing in mind : to control people.
The Age of Taurus saw the emergence of Bull Worship cults, including the Moloch bull cult of the Levant region, the Minoan bull cult of Greece, the Hindu sacred bull cult of the Indus Valley Civilisation, and the Apis Bull Cult of Egypt. Human Sacrifices marked some ancient bull cults, including the Moloch cult.
But Bull cults were not the only cults around. Snake-God worshiping cults also arose. In Egypt, Atum the high god, was worshiped as a snake-god. Human sacrifices in pre-dynastic Egypt have been uncovered. Evidence of Snake-cults in the Levant have also been discovered. In South America, the first civilisation - the Caral Supe people of the Andes region - worshiped a Staff God - the precursor to the Feathered Snake god of the Aztecs and the Inca Empire.
Four thousand years ago, the Age of Aries bought about radical changes in spiritual practices. Abraham in the Fertile Crescent, Aristotle and Plato in Greece *, and Akhenaten in Egypt, experienced new truths that would lead them towards monotheism, and discard the Bull Worship and Snake God cults that marked the previous Age.
* The Prime Mover for Aristotle, was a god " above " other gods, and Plato's Demiurge was also " above " the other gods. As monotheism is compatible with there being other gods - so long as there is one god " above " them - then Aristotle and Plato can both be seen as monotheists.
Two thousand years ago, the Age of Pisces saw new spiritual ways replacing Arian Age religions. The Nazarene Messiah from Galilee taught that the divine is with us like a loving father, and no temple or tower was needed to live a holy life. The Buddha in Asia focused on the inner spiritual life as a way of gaining peace and contentment ( called Nirvana ). In India, Hindu theologians suggested that the ultimate reality transcended all gods, and named this concept ' Brahman '.
Today, as we approach the Aquarian Age in the West, Christianity is in crises. The Roman Church is plagued with occult practices, and that includes the many sexual perversions that are now coming to the surface.
Fundamentalism is leading many American churches to base their religion on a very narrow interpretation of the Bible ( called Biblical literalism ). As a result, their religion is stern, judgemental and alienating. In the East, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism and Buddhism, are increasingly being led by fanatical zealots. Religiosity, and inter-religious warfare, rather than a humane spirituality and co-existence, has become their chief concerns.
And yet if we dig a little, we find that most religions share a very common spiritual path. Culture, traditions, history and national identity politics - not spirituality - are driving religions apart. Put a Mufti, a guru, a priest and rabbi together in the same room to share spiritual insights, and they will inevitably walk away as friends, having found much in common.
Its time for a new spirituality
We believe, the time is right, to reignite a spiritual renaissance on Earth ; to find the new spirit, that will energise us to again be : all that we were meant to be.
From the Book of Genesis : “ Let there be lights in the firmament . . . and let them be for signs ” Genesis 1 - 4
Aquarians ( practitioners of Aquarian Spirituality ), guided by both prophetic insights, and events in the heavens, believe the Aquarian Spiritual Great Age has dawned in 2020.
Great Ages are measured each year by the Sun’s location on Equinox Day.
On March 20, 2020 AD ( “ 20 20 20 ” ) - on Equinox Day - the Sun passed the star i-Pisces ( Iota Pisces ). This star is our true Piscine boundary marker. Beyond this boundary marker, the Sun is in Aquarius. All stars beyond i-Pisces should be ‘ in ’ the Aquarian constellation. Thus, the Aquarian Spiritual Age has been decreed ‘ by the heavens ’. For more on the correct boundaries, consult ' Aquarian ' Spirituality ' by MC Zaninah ( search ).
Furthermore, between the years 1978 and 2020 a unique galactic phenomena occurred, known as the Galactic Cross in Orion event.
Between 1978 and 2020, the Sun aligned with the Great Galactic Cross - an intersection of the Ecliptic and the Milky Way at the Orion constellation - on each Summer Solstice Day ( which occurred on approx. June 21st during each of those 42 years ). This intersection is also called the Solstice Point.
The final alignment of the Galactic Cross in the Orion constellation occurred in 2020, and symbolically marked the end of the Age of the Cross ( the Age of the Son / Age of Christ / the Piscine Age ). The cross became the defining symbol of Roman Christianity and therefore the Galactic Cross event is a significant symbol in Great Age cosmology.
The 2020 final alignment at the Orion Cross, marked the completion of the Piscine Spiritual Age.
The annular solar eclipse occurred on Solstice Day ( 21st June ), aligning the Sun, Moon and Earth with the Galactic Cross ( thus completing the Age ). Then, the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn on 21st December 2020 marked the dawning of the new Aquarian Age.
The Orion constellation is associated with the origin of new life. In ancient times, the Silver Gate ( from which new souls were believed to enter our world ) was declared to be located in the Orion constellation. The stunning Orion Nebula ( visible with the naked eye ) may have inspired many of the ' origin myths ' associated with Orion - i.e. a ' soul making factory '.
Some ask why 2020 AD, rather than say . . . 2012 AD ( the end of the Mayan calendar ), or 2000 AD ( the start of a new millennium using the Western calendar ) or 2600 AD - the actual astronomical dating of the start of the Age of Aquarius ?
Our response is : Each Spiritual Great Ages last around 2000 years. It's been 2000 years since the birth of the Piscine Age in 67 BC. 2020 AD is therefore, the right time for a new Age. The Orion Cross event is a timely symbol. The completion of this event in 2020 signals the end of the . . . Age of the Cross.
More than ever, spiritual rejuvenation is needed now. Modern day religions have become usurped by religiosity and superstitions.
Its time to purify spirituality and restore it to its primordial origins and purpose.
Aquarian Spirituality presents a new and modern agnostic spirituality that is free of ancient occult superstitions and dogmatic religiosity - both of which have corrupted humanity’s primordial spirituality, whose function is not to worship imaginary spirits, but to honour and nourish our human spirit.
This work not only critiques the past and the present, but offers a salvational path for the future world. Its timely appearance, will offer many truth seekers, a vital survival guide for our times.
Let’s not wait 500 years for the official end of the falsely determined astronomical Age of Pisces timeline. A long Pisces Age was artificially created by Jesuit astronomers, who manipulated constellation boundaries in an attempt to extend the current Church Age for their benefit. Spiritual change is needed now. It cannot be delayed by Jesuit astronomers seeking to preserve the status quo by fudging zodiac boundaries.
For Aquarian Spirituality, the Galactic Cross in Orion is the most perfectly appropriate symbolic marker for the birth of the new Aquarian Spiritual Age : Orion symbolises new beginnings and the Galactic Cross event of 2020 symbolises . . . the end of the Age of the Cross.
What is certain, is that in 2020, the world changed. The release of Covid-19 from a US funded lab in Wuhan China, sparked a global change in human behaviour and opened our eyes to the possibility of Virus 33 : a controlled global pandemic designed to dramatically reduce world populations and trigger a new world order for the benefit of the elites.
A study by Sutin et al, published 29 September 2022 in the U.S. Public Library of Science journal, measured changes in participant's behaviours over a period of time ( from 2014 to 2022 ). The study was able to demonstrate the impact of trauma and fear associated with Covid-19 and public health measures ( including mandatory lock-downs ). The study of over 7,000 participants showed that the pandemic made us less kind, less sympathetic and less open to others.
The study showed how a trauma event such as Covid-19 can accelerate change in people's behaviours ; people became less extroverted, less open, less agreeable and less conscientious during the pandemic.
The study found that people's ability to express sympathy and kindness, to reach out to others, to be open to new concepts, and to take responsibility towards others seriously, were diminished during Covid-19. Chronic stress, fear and anxiety were important contributors to these behavioural changes. The effects were stronger in younger participants.
Prior to Covid, there was no change in the behaviours being measured ( i.e. from 2014 to 2020 ).
Thus, the emergence of a new spiritual movement which addresses the impacts of the global pandemic on our wellbeing, and prepares the people of the world for the emergence of a new world order, is clearly . . . beneficial.
What is indisputable, is that the world changed in 2020.
The Piscine Age is over.
Let us now prepare for the new Aquarian Age !
For more on the dawning of the true Aquarian Age, read any of the Aquarian Spirituality books from
We believe, the time is right, to reignite a spiritual renaissance on Earth ; to find the new spirit, that will energise us to again be : all that we were meant to be.
From the Book of Genesis : “ Let there be lights in the firmament . . . and let them be for signs ” Genesis 1 - 4
Aquarians ( practitioners of Aquarian Spirituality ), guided by both prophetic insights, and events in the heavens, believe the Aquarian Spiritual Great Age has dawned in 2020.
Great Ages are measured each year by the Sun’s location on Equinox Day.
On March 20, 2020 AD ( “ 20 20 20 ” ) - on Equinox Day - the Sun passed the star i-Pisces ( Iota Pisces ). This star is our true Piscine boundary marker. Beyond this boundary marker, the Sun is in Aquarius. All stars beyond i-Pisces should be ‘ in ’ the Aquarian constellation. Thus, the Aquarian Spiritual Age has been decreed ‘ by the heavens ’. For more on the correct boundaries, consult ' Aquarian ' Spirituality ' by MC Zaninah ( search ).
Furthermore, between the years 1978 and 2020 a unique galactic phenomena occurred, known as the Galactic Cross in Orion event.
Between 1978 and 2020, the Sun aligned with the Great Galactic Cross - an intersection of the Ecliptic and the Milky Way at the Orion constellation - on each Summer Solstice Day ( which occurred on approx. June 21st during each of those 42 years ). This intersection is also called the Solstice Point.
The final alignment of the Galactic Cross in the Orion constellation occurred in 2020, and symbolically marked the end of the Age of the Cross ( the Age of the Son / Age of Christ / the Piscine Age ). The cross became the defining symbol of Roman Christianity and therefore the Galactic Cross event is a significant symbol in Great Age cosmology.
The 2020 final alignment at the Orion Cross, marked the completion of the Piscine Spiritual Age.
The annular solar eclipse occurred on Solstice Day ( 21st June ), aligning the Sun, Moon and Earth with the Galactic Cross ( thus completing the Age ). Then, the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn on 21st December 2020 marked the dawning of the new Aquarian Age.
The Orion constellation is associated with the origin of new life. In ancient times, the Silver Gate ( from which new souls were believed to enter our world ) was declared to be located in the Orion constellation. The stunning Orion Nebula ( visible with the naked eye ) may have inspired many of the ' origin myths ' associated with Orion - i.e. a ' soul making factory '.
Some ask why 2020 AD, rather than say . . . 2012 AD ( the end of the Mayan calendar ), or 2000 AD ( the start of a new millennium using the Western calendar ) or 2600 AD - the actual astronomical dating of the start of the Age of Aquarius ?
Our response is : Each Spiritual Great Ages last around 2000 years. It's been 2000 years since the birth of the Piscine Age in 67 BC. 2020 AD is therefore, the right time for a new Age. The Orion Cross event is a timely symbol. The completion of this event in 2020 signals the end of the . . . Age of the Cross.
More than ever, spiritual rejuvenation is needed now. Modern day religions have become usurped by religiosity and superstitions.
Its time to purify spirituality and restore it to its primordial origins and purpose.
Aquarian Spirituality presents a new and modern agnostic spirituality that is free of ancient occult superstitions and dogmatic religiosity - both of which have corrupted humanity’s primordial spirituality, whose function is not to worship imaginary spirits, but to honour and nourish our human spirit.
This work not only critiques the past and the present, but offers a salvational path for the future world. Its timely appearance, will offer many truth seekers, a vital survival guide for our times.
Let’s not wait 500 years for the official end of the falsely determined astronomical Age of Pisces timeline. A long Pisces Age was artificially created by Jesuit astronomers, who manipulated constellation boundaries in an attempt to extend the current Church Age for their benefit. Spiritual change is needed now. It cannot be delayed by Jesuit astronomers seeking to preserve the status quo by fudging zodiac boundaries.
For Aquarian Spirituality, the Galactic Cross in Orion is the most perfectly appropriate symbolic marker for the birth of the new Aquarian Spiritual Age : Orion symbolises new beginnings and the Galactic Cross event of 2020 symbolises . . . the end of the Age of the Cross.
What is certain, is that in 2020, the world changed. The release of Covid-19 from a US funded lab in Wuhan China, sparked a global change in human behaviour and opened our eyes to the possibility of Virus 33 : a controlled global pandemic designed to dramatically reduce world populations and trigger a new world order for the benefit of the elites.
A study by Sutin et al, published 29 September 2022 in the U.S. Public Library of Science journal, measured changes in participant's behaviours over a period of time ( from 2014 to 2022 ). The study was able to demonstrate the impact of trauma and fear associated with Covid-19 and public health measures ( including mandatory lock-downs ). The study of over 7,000 participants showed that the pandemic made us less kind, less sympathetic and less open to others.
The study showed how a trauma event such as Covid-19 can accelerate change in people's behaviours ; people became less extroverted, less open, less agreeable and less conscientious during the pandemic.
The study found that people's ability to express sympathy and kindness, to reach out to others, to be open to new concepts, and to take responsibility towards others seriously, were diminished during Covid-19. Chronic stress, fear and anxiety were important contributors to these behavioural changes. The effects were stronger in younger participants.
Prior to Covid, there was no change in the behaviours being measured ( i.e. from 2014 to 2020 ).
Thus, the emergence of a new spiritual movement which addresses the impacts of the global pandemic on our wellbeing, and prepares the people of the world for the emergence of a new world order, is clearly . . . beneficial.
What is indisputable, is that the world changed in 2020.
The Piscine Age is over.
Let us now prepare for the new Aquarian Age !
For more on the dawning of the true Aquarian Age, read any of the Aquarian Spirituality books from
A Modern Spirituality
Its not the first time in history, that a new spiritual path is needed.
In the 6th century B.C., Israelite prophet Jeremiah, writing during the time of exile, wrote :
“ The days are coming ” declares the Lord, “ when I will make a new covenant. It will not be like the [ old ]
covenant . . . I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts ".
Earlier, in 967 BC, King Solomon, occult practitioner and husband to 700 wives, transformed the Tanis Temple into a poly-theistic mega-center, where all kinds of deities and demons were honored. Solomon's temple became THEE center of occult worship, and his priesthood continued to profit from this ' faith ' ( see Deuteronomy 16:2).
One thousand years later, the leader of the outcast Nazarene sect - Yeshua ben Yoseph ( later called Jesus ) - declared that it was time to rid Israel of the stain of Solomon's sins, once and for all, by destroying the high temple
( now located in Jerusalem ). In fact, Christ declared that the leading temple-based sect of the day - the Pharisees - were being led, not by a good god, but by . . . the devil ( John 8:44 ).
Christ's apostle Paul, later wrote :
" Don’t you know you yourselves are God’s temple & that God’s Spirit dwells in your midst ? " (1 Corinthians 3:16), and
" we are the temple of the living God " (2 Corinthians 6:16)
Spirituality is not found in temples and towers, nor rites and rituals. It is nourished deep within us, through gentle prayers ( or meditations and affirmations if you're agnostic ), and good deeds.
In 70 AD, the Jerusalem temple was destroyed - not by followers of the Nazarene - but by the Roman army - hellbent on smashing Ju'ish resistance.
300 years later, Rome's Emperor Constantine, also smashed the Nazarene's original movement, transforming Christ's simple love-centered spirituality, into a giant legalistic religion, overflowing with rites and rituals, saints and superstitions, temples and towers, where power and profit corrupted.
Two thousand years later, the superstitions no longer inspire us, and the temples and towers stand largely idle ( except for a few ceremonial hours on Sunday ). The priesthood no longer commands respect. The faithful tread carefully in their presence. Trust has been desecrated.
Just as Christ needed to abandon the occult-infested temple in order to purify his people's spirituality, today, we too, are abandoning the crumbling temples and towers of our time, in order to find our pure spirituality.
Aquarian Spirituality is a new and modern spirituality, for our times. If you're seeking a new life-path, why not read 'Aquarian Spirituality ' by MC Zaniah ( available now at - search by author ). All books are published at cost.
Below : The early Christian movement new exactly what the significance of a new spiritual Great Age meant - a time for reinvigorating spirituality. But by the time the Emperor Constantine created the Roman Catholic church in 313 AD, Piscine Age symbols were ignored in favour of other symbols, such as the cross. Below is the double fish of Pisces symbol found at Megiddo Israel. The site was an early Christian prayer house, dated to 230 AD - that's only 200 years after Christ. The parable of the 2 fish and 5 loaves is also a reference to the new Piscine Spiritual Great Age - for those who have eyes to see.
Its not the first time in history, that a new spiritual path is needed.
In the 6th century B.C., Israelite prophet Jeremiah, writing during the time of exile, wrote :
“ The days are coming ” declares the Lord, “ when I will make a new covenant. It will not be like the [ old ]
covenant . . . I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts ".
Earlier, in 967 BC, King Solomon, occult practitioner and husband to 700 wives, transformed the Tanis Temple into a poly-theistic mega-center, where all kinds of deities and demons were honored. Solomon's temple became THEE center of occult worship, and his priesthood continued to profit from this ' faith ' ( see Deuteronomy 16:2).
One thousand years later, the leader of the outcast Nazarene sect - Yeshua ben Yoseph ( later called Jesus ) - declared that it was time to rid Israel of the stain of Solomon's sins, once and for all, by destroying the high temple
( now located in Jerusalem ). In fact, Christ declared that the leading temple-based sect of the day - the Pharisees - were being led, not by a good god, but by . . . the devil ( John 8:44 ).
Christ's apostle Paul, later wrote :
" Don’t you know you yourselves are God’s temple & that God’s Spirit dwells in your midst ? " (1 Corinthians 3:16), and
" we are the temple of the living God " (2 Corinthians 6:16)
Spirituality is not found in temples and towers, nor rites and rituals. It is nourished deep within us, through gentle prayers ( or meditations and affirmations if you're agnostic ), and good deeds.
In 70 AD, the Jerusalem temple was destroyed - not by followers of the Nazarene - but by the Roman army - hellbent on smashing Ju'ish resistance.
300 years later, Rome's Emperor Constantine, also smashed the Nazarene's original movement, transforming Christ's simple love-centered spirituality, into a giant legalistic religion, overflowing with rites and rituals, saints and superstitions, temples and towers, where power and profit corrupted.
Two thousand years later, the superstitions no longer inspire us, and the temples and towers stand largely idle ( except for a few ceremonial hours on Sunday ). The priesthood no longer commands respect. The faithful tread carefully in their presence. Trust has been desecrated.
Just as Christ needed to abandon the occult-infested temple in order to purify his people's spirituality, today, we too, are abandoning the crumbling temples and towers of our time, in order to find our pure spirituality.
Aquarian Spirituality is a new and modern spirituality, for our times. If you're seeking a new life-path, why not read 'Aquarian Spirituality ' by MC Zaniah ( available now at - search by author ). All books are published at cost.
Below : The early Christian movement new exactly what the significance of a new spiritual Great Age meant - a time for reinvigorating spirituality. But by the time the Emperor Constantine created the Roman Catholic church in 313 AD, Piscine Age symbols were ignored in favour of other symbols, such as the cross. Below is the double fish of Pisces symbol found at Megiddo Israel. The site was an early Christian prayer house, dated to 230 AD - that's only 200 years after Christ. The parable of the 2 fish and 5 loaves is also a reference to the new Piscine Spiritual Great Age - for those who have eyes to see.
Aquarian Spirituality is a modern, primordial and wholistic spirituality - a liberating spirituality that nourishes our mind, body and spirit, and inspires us to be . . . all we can be.